Universiti Putra Malaysia Institutional Repository
Browse by Journal Title
E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics
E3S Web of Conferences
e-Academia Journal
EAI Endorsed Transactions on E-Learning
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems
Early Child Development and Care
Early Human Development
Early Intervention in Psychiatry
Ear Nose and Throat Journal
Earth and Environmental Science
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
Earthquakes and Structures
Earth Science Informatics
Earth Sciences Malaysia
Earth Systems and Environment
East Asia
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
East West Journal of Humanities
e-Bangi : Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
e-Bangi Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
e-Bangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
e-BANGI: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System
EC Nutrition
Ecologia Balkanica
Ecological Economics
Ecological Engineering
Ecological Indicators
Ecological Informatics
Ecological Modelling
Ecological Processes
Ecological Research
Ecology and Evolution
Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Ecology, Environment and Conservation
Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper
Ecology of Food and Nutrition
Economic Analysis and Policy
Economic and Technology Management Review
Economic Change and Restructuring
Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research
Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies And Research
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets
Economic Modelling
Economic Notes
Economic Policy
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja
Economics and Finance Letters
Economics and Management
Economics Bulletin
Economics Letters
Economics World
Economic Systems
Economic Systems Research
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability
Ecosystems & Development Journal
Ecosystem Services
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety
EC Pharmacology and Toxicology (ECPT)
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology
ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications
Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology
Edinburgh Journal of Botany
EDP Science
EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies
Education 3-13
Educational Administration: Theory and Practice
Educational Gerontology
Educational Management Administration & Leadership
Educational Research and Review
Educational Technology Research and Development
Educational Technology & Society
Education and Information Technologies
Education and Urban Society
Education for Health
Education for Primary Care
Education in Medicine Journal
Education in Medicine Journal (EIMJ)
Education Research International
Education Research Journal
Education Sciences
Educatum Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology
EDUCATUM Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology
EDUCATUM Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology
EDUCATUM Journal Of Science, Mathematics And Technology
EDUCATUM – Journal of Social Science
Edusentris, Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran
Edusentris: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran
EFORT Open Reviews
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences
Egyptian Heart Journal
Egyptian Informatics Journal
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences
Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery
Egyptian Journal of Petroleum
Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science
Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences
EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
E-Journal of Arabic Studies & Islamic Civilization
E-Journal of Chemistry
E-Journal of Islamic Thought & Understanding (E-JITU)
e-Jurnal Bahasa dan Linguistik (e-JBL)
eJurnal IPPTAR
e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi
E-jurnal Penyelidikan Dan Inovasi
E-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (e-JPI)
Ekonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research
Elderly Health Journal
Electrical Engineering in Japan
Electric Power Components and Systems
Electric Power Systems Research
Electrochemica Acta
Electrochimica Acta
Electronic Business Journal
Electronic Commerce Research
Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis
Electronic Journal of Biology
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
Electronic Journal of Business and Management
Electronic Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management
Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis
Electronic Materials Letters
Electronic Physician
Electronics Letters
Electronics Science Technology and Application
Electronics (Switzerland)
Elektrika: Journal of Electrical Engineering
Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika
Elementary Education Online
Elixir Agriculture
Elixir Applied Chemistry
Elixir Bio Technology
Elixir Hormones and Signaling
Elixir Human Resource Management
Elixir International Journal
Elixir Leadership Management
Elixir Literature
Elixir Management
Elixir Pollution
Elixir Production Management
Elixir Psychology
Elixir Social Science
Elixir Social Sciences
Elixir Social Studies
e-Majalah Dewan Budaya
E & M Economics and Management
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
Emergency Medicine Journal
Emergent Materials
Emerging Adulthood
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Emerging Markets Case Studies
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Emerging Markets Finance & Trade
Emerging Markets Review
Emerging Positive Education Intervention for Clean Sport Behavior
Emerging Technologies for Education
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture
Emission Control Science and Technology
Empirical Economics
Empirical Economics Letters
Empirical Musicology Review
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
Employment Relations Record
Emu - Austral Ornithology
Endocrine-Related Cancer
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Endocrinology & Metabolism Clinics of North America
Endokrynologia Polska
Energy and AI
Energy and Buildings
Energy and Environment
Energy and Power
Energy Conversion and Management
Energy Conversion and Management: X
Energy Economics
Energy & Environment
Energy Equipment and Systems
Energy Exploration & Exploitation
Energy & Fuels
Energy Policy
Energy Reports
Energy Science and Engineering
Energy Science & Engineering
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effect
Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects
Energy Sources Part B-Economics Planning and Policy
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy
Energy Strategy Reviews
Energy Technology
Engineered Science
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
Engineering and Scientific International Journal (ESIJ)
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Computations
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
Engineering Economics
Engineering e - Transaction
Engineering e-Transaction
Engineering Failure Analysis
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Engineering Geology
Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food
Engineering in Life Sciences
Engineering International
Engineering Journal
Engineering Optimization
Engineering Research Express
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal
Engineering Science & Technology
Engineering Solid Mechanics
Engineering Structures
Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research
Engineering Technology & Applied Science Research
Engineering Transaction Mahanakorn University of Technology
Engineering with Computers
English Edition Journal of Social and Political Studies
English for Specific Purposes
English Language and Literature Studies
English Language & Literature Teaching
English Language Teaching
English Teacher
English Today
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change
Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies
Environmental and Climate Technologies
Environmental and Experimental Botany
Environmental and Resource Economics
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators
Environmental Chemistry Letters
Environmental Conservation
Environmental Earth Sciences
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Environmental Education Research
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Environmental Engineering Research
Environmental Engineering Science
Environmental Entomology
Environmental Forensics
Environmental Geochemistry and Health
Environmental Geochemistry And Health
Environmental Geology
Environmental Geotechnics
Environmental Geotecnics
Environmental Health Perspectives
Environmental Impact IV
Environmental Justice
Environmental Management
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
Environmental Modelling and Software
Environmental Modelling & Software
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Environmental Monitoring And Assessment
Environmental Monitoring & Assessment
Environmental Mutagen Research
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management
Environmental Pollution
Environmental Pollution (Series B), Chemical and Physical
Environmental Processes
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
Environmental Protection Research
Environmental Research
Environmental Research Journal
Environmental Research Letters
Environmental Research & Technology
Environmental Reviews
Environmental Science and Policy
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR)
Environmental science and pollution research international
Environmental Science and Pollution Research International
Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science, Pollution Research and Management
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
Environmental Science & Technology
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Technology
Environmental Technology and Innovation
Environmental Technology & Innovation
Environmental Technology Letters
Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
Environment and Development Economics
Environment And Ecology
Environment and Ecology Research
Environment and Ecosystem Science
Environment and Natural Resources Journal
Environment and Pollution
Environment and Social Psychology
Environment and Urbanization Asia
Environment and Urbanization ASIA
Environment Asia
Environment Behaviour Proceeding Journal
Environment-behaviour Proceedings Journal
Environment Behaviour Proceedings Journal
Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
Environment Development and Sustainability
Environment, Development and Sustainability
Environment International
Environment Protection Engineering
Environment Systems and Decisions
Environnmental Monitoring and Assessment
Enzyme and Microbial Technology
Epidemiology and Infection
e-plastory - Journal of Plastic History
EPPO Bulletin
e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy
eProceedings Chemistry
e-PUTRA newsletter
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
Erciyes Tip Dergisi
ES Food and Agroforestry
ESTEEM Academic Journal
ESTEEM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Estudios de Economia Aplicada
Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences
Ethnobiology Letters
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
ETRI Journal
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education
Eurasian Economic Perspectives
Eurasian Economic Review
Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications
Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Soil Science
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
EURASIP Journal on Information Security
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
EUREKA, Physics and Engineering
EuroMed Journal of Business
European Academic Research
European Biophysics Journal
European Chemical Bulletin
European conference on e-learning
European Food Research and Technology
European Heart Journal Supplements
European International Journal of Science and Technology
European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research
European Journal of Applied Science
European Journal of Behavioral Sciences
European Journal of Biology
European Journal of Business and Management
European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
European Journal of Cancer Care
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
European Journal of Control
European Journal of Dentistry and Medicine
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences
European Journal of Education
European Journal of Educational Research
European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research
European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
European Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences
European Journal of Entomology
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
European Journal of Environment and Public Health
European Journal of Finance
European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching
European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology
European Journal of Horticultural Science
European Journal of Inflammation
European Journal of Innovation Management
European Journal of Integrative Medicine
European Journal of Internal Medicine
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
European Journal of Language and Literature Studies
European Journal of Law and Economics
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
European Journal of Management and Business Economics
European Journal of Marketing
European Journal of Medical Research
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
European Journal of Neurology
European Journal of Neuroscience
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging
European Journal of Nutrition
European Journal of Operational Research
European Journal of Pediatrics
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
European Journal of Pharmacology
European Journal of Phycology
European Journal of Plant Pathology
European Journal of Public Health
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
European Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
European Journal of Radiology Extra
European Journal of Remote Sensing
European Journal of Rhinology and Allergy
European Journal of Scientific Research
European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences
European Journal of Social Science Education and Research
European Journal of Social Sciences
European Journal of Soil Science
European Journal of Sports and Exercise Science
European Journal of Surgical Oncology
European Journal of Training and Development
European Journal of Wildlife Research
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
European Medical Journal Nephrology
European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences
European Physical Journal Applied Physics
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics
European Physical Journal Plus
European Physical Journal: Special Topics
European Polymer Journal
European Poultry Science
European Poultry Science (EPS)
European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences
European Research on Management and Business Economics
European Research Studies
European Respiratory Journal
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences
European urology
Europe PMC
Europe's Journal of Psychology
Evaluation and Program Planning
Evaluation and the Health Professions
Evaluation & the Health Professions
Event Management
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship
Evolutionary Applications
Evolutionary Bioinformatics
Evolutionary Intelligence
Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture
Evolving systems
Examines In Marine Biology & Oceanography
EXCLI Journal
Experimental Agriculture
Experimental and Applied Acarology
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology
Experimental Animals
Experimental Biology and Medicine
Experimental Gerontology
Experimental Mycology
Experimental Parasitology
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Expert Opinion Environmental Biology
Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy
Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine
Expert Systems
Expert Systems with Applications
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research
Expositiones Mathematicae
Exposure and Health
Express Polymer Letters
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