Kamal Mustapha, Puteri Nur Aizzat
Pursuit and evasion differential games described by infinite two-systems of first order differential equations.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Differential games are a special kind of problems for dynamic systems particularly
for moving objects. Many reseachers had drawn interests on control and differential
game problems described by parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations
which can be reduced to the ones described by infinite systems of ordinary differential
equations by using decomposition method.
The main purpose of this thesis is to study pursuit and evasion differential game
problems described by first order infinite two-systems of differential equations in
Hilbert space, Ɩ₂. The control functions of the players are subjected to the geometric
constraints. Pursuit is considered completed, if the state of the system coincides with
the origin. In the game, the pursuer’s goal is to complete the pursuit while oppositely,
the evader tries to avoid this.
First, we solve for first order non-homogenous system of differential equations to
obtain the general solution zk(t), k = 1,2, .... Then, to validate the existence and
uniqueness of the general solution, we first prove that the general solution exists in
Hilbert space. Next, we prove that the general solution is continous on time interval
Our main contribution is that we examine the game by solving an auxiliary control
problem, validating a control function and find a time for which state of the system
can be steered to the origin. Then, we solve pursuit problem by constructing pursuit strategy and obtain guaranteed pursuit time, θ₁, under the speed of pursuer
Σk=1|uk(t,v(t))|² < p² for any v(.) Ɛ S(á). However, for evasion differential game
problem, we prove that evasion is possible when the speed of evader, á, is greater or
equal than that of pursuer, p, on the interval [0,T].
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