Mohammed, Aldulaimi Haydar Imad
Widely linear dynamic quaternion valued least mean square algorithm for linear filtering.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
The Recent developments in sensor technology; human centered computing and robotics
have brought to light new classes of multidimensional data which are naturally represented
as quaternion three and four-dimensional vector-valued processes. Such signals are readily
modeled as real normal vectors in R3 and R4; however; it has become obvious that there
are advantages in processing multidimensional data in division algebras (quaternion
domain). The progress in the statistics of quaternion variable, particularly augmented
statistics and widely linear modeling; has opened up a new front of research in channel
equalization, vector sensor modeling and system identification. However, prediction gain,
tracking ability and convergence speed of quaternion adaptive filters still need to be
improved due to the fixed step size of those types of algorithms. Choosing the right value
of step size is very important for the adaptation process of the algorithm. There is a tradeoff
between the convergence speed and the missadjustment of the system. Using large step
size value will produce high convergence speed and high missadjustment while using small
step size value will produce slow convergence speed and low missadjustment. since in real
scenario the input signal power does not remain constant, that will change the step-size
according the changes of the input signal of the algorithm which increase the tradeoff
between the convergence speed and the missadjustment. This changing will cause noise
amplification and affects the convergence speed. In this thesis, a new quaternion gradient
based adaptive algorithm for FIR adaptive filter is developed. The proposed algorithm is
capable of processing the generality of quaternion and complex data signals in both noisy
and noise-free environments. The new adaptive algorithm is called dynamic quaternion
least mean square algorithm (DQLMS) because of the normalization process of the filter
input and the variable step-size. Those techniques proved to be very useful to enhance the
trade-off between the convergence speed and the steady-state MSE and achieve small
misadjustment and fast convergence speed. The sign function has been implemented in the
process of filter coefficients adjustments in order to get faster adaptation processes, for
high speed communication. The DQLMS algorithm is extended to the widely linear model
forming the WL-DQLMS algorithm in order for the algorithm to be able to capture the full
second order statistics. Prediction gain, tracking ability and convergence speed of the
proposed algorithms are analyzed and validated experimentally by various simulations on both synthetic and real world multidimensional data. The performance of the proposed
algorithms are compared with quaternion least mean square QLMS, zero-attract quaternion
least mean square ZA-QLMS, and widely linear quaternion least mean square WL-QLMS
algorithms. In noise cancellation, the DQLMS and WL-DQLMS algorithms were able to
recover the input signal in 30 and 50 samples respectively while the QLMS and ZA-QLMS
needed 250 and 200 samples respectively in order to recover the same data. A superior
performance is achieved by the proposed algorithms in system modeling where the
DQLMS was able to track the correct weights values of the different modeled systems 430
sample faster than the QLMS and ZA-QLMS algorithms while the WL-DQLMS was faster
than the WLQLMS algorithm by 950 samples. In prediction setting the proposed
algorithms showed 4dp to 8dp higher prediction gain than other algorithms. Thus, the
proposed algorithms proved to be superior over the other algorithms in all aspects.
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