Afzali, Seyedeh Fatemeh
Isolation, characterization and pathogenicity of epizootic ulcerative syndrome-related Aphanomyces toward an improved diagnostic technique.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) is a seasonal and severely damaging disease in
wild and farmed freshwater and estuarine fishes. The disease has been spread
through countries of the Asia-Pacific region with dire consequences to the fish
resources and livelihood of fishermen. It has been a major concern almost all over
the world since 1972. Epizootic ulcerative syndrome is a disease which manifested
with severe skin and muscle ulceration and caused heavy mortalities in freshwater
fishes. The aquatic fungus, Aphanomyces invadans, which belongs to the family
Saprolegniacea, has been identified as the causative agent of EUS. Up to date no
effective prophylactic measures and no protective vaccines are available against this
disease. If scientific development could not solve this microbiological problem, it is
likely to impact a noticeable negative income in the future especially for fish farmers
who rely on wild-caught fish for income. Thus this study aimed to (i) isolate and
identify Aphanomyces spp. from Malaysian water bodies and fish farms, (ii)
determine the pathogenicity of A. invadans on the Malaysian local fish, and (iii)
improve a molecular technique (PCR) for a rapid and reliable detection of EUS
Four hundred sixty one water and 235 fish were sampled from different water bodies
and fish farms in Selangor state of Malaysia from February 2011 until February
2013. Oomycete fungi were isolated by applying bait methods using hempseed and
corn, and identified according to their hyphae, sporangium and oogonium
morphological characteristics.
Through experimentally infection studies, Snakehead fish (Channa striata) (positive
control), Moonlight gourami (Trichopodus microlepis), Snakeskin gourami
(Trichopodus pectoralis), Koi carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio), Broadhead catfish
(Clarias macrocephalus), Goldfish (Carasius auratus auratus), Climbing perch
(Anabas testudineus) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (negative control) were
challenged by intramuscular injection and cohabitation using zoospores of a
reference A. invadans NJM9701 (isolated from naturally infected Ayu by Dr. Hatai in
Japan, 1997). Aphanomyces invadans was able to be re-isolated from experimentally
infected Moonlight gourami and Koch’s postulates were fulfilled to confirm the
exact source of infection in this study. Aphanomyces invadans DNA were extracted
from experimentally infected fish skin and muscle at different days of post inoculation and were detected by the PCR method by using the primer set 1APM 1 F,
1APM 6R which were commercially available in the market.
From 73 water samples which were positive for fungi, 31 isolates were identified as
Saprolegnia spp., 27 isolates as Achlya spp., 12 isolates as Aphanomyces spp., and
three isolates as Allomyces spp. Among of 235 naturally infected fish, 62 samples
were positive for fungi infection which identified as Saprolegnia (34 samples) and
Achlya (28 samples). Snakeheads experimentally infected with local isolates of
Aphanomyces did not show any EUS typical clinical signs and no mortalities were
observed in any group during observation period, which indicated that the local
isolates of Aphanomyces spp., were of saprophytic strains. Snakehead, Gouramy, Koi
carp, Broadhead catfish, Goldfish and Climbing perch injected with zoospores from
reference strain developed lesions that were grossly and histopathologically identical
to those observed in naturally infected fish and 100% mortalities were observed.
Histopathological studies showed severe cellular inflammatory infiltration,
granulomatous formations and presence of invasive fungal hyphae in zoospores
injected fish skins and muscles. The DNA extraction protocol used in this study was
successful in isolating A. invadans genomic DNA from fish muscles and pure
cultured fungus, and the improved PCR assay also was able to detect the presence of
A. invadans DNA in experimentally infected fish skin and muscle from day one post
This study was the first research conducted on freshwater aquatic fungi in Malaysia
and successfully showed the presence of Aphanomyces spp., and other oomycete
fungi in Malaysian water bodies. It is found that Malaysian Moonlight gourami,
Snakeskin gourami, Koi carp and Broadhead catfish are highly susceptible while
Goldfish and Climbing perch are moderately susceptible to infection by A. invadans
via intramuscular injection. The infection is also capable of being transferred to
healthy susceptible fish through the water column. It is concluded that by applying
PCR assay A. invadans could be detected in clinical samples in very early stages of
disease. Because of the presence of Aphanomyces spp., and EUS-susceptible fish in
freshwater resources of Malaysia, there is potential risk of EUS outbreak in the
region which thus must be avoided by good prophylactic measures and rigid farm
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