Mat Dasin, Nurul Aidayu
Synthesis and dielectric properties of Bi₃.₃₆Mg₁.₉₂₋ₓAₓNb₂.₇₂O₁₃.₇₆ (A = Ca, Sr AND Ba) pyrochlore systems.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Bismuth magnesium niobate (BMN) pyrochlores are one of the potential dielectrics
owing to their excellent dielectric properties, e.g. high relative permittivity, ε‟ > 160,
low dielectric loss, tan δ in the order of ~10-4 and compositional tunable temperature
coefficient of capacitance, TCC. In this work, alkaline earth metals namely, Ca, Sr and
Ba were successfully introduced into BMN pyrochlores through solid-state reaction.
These substitutional solid solutions were prepared with the proposed chemical formula,
(Bi3.36Mg0.64-xAx)(Mg1.28Nb2.72)O13.76, in which the formation mechanism requires a
one-to-one replacement of Mg2+ by A2+ (A2+ = Ca, Sr and Ba) at the eight-coordinated
A site. The solid solution limits of (Bi3.36Mg0.64-xAx)(Mg1.28Nb2.72)O13.76 are found to be
0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7, 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 and 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2 in the Ca-, Sr- and Ba-series, respectively. Cadoped
BMN pyrochlores have a relatively extensive solid solution limit due to the
closely similar ionic radii between Ca2+ and Bi3+ with their values of 1.12 Å and 1.13
Å, respectively. These materials adopted a cubic symmetry, space group Fd3m (No.
277), Z = 4, with their refined lattice parameters, a = b = c, decrease linearly from
10.5968(16) Å to 10.5332(14) Å, 10.5671(17) Å and 10.5879(3) Å, respectively. On
the other hand, all BMCN, BMSN and BMBN pyrochlores are found to be thermally
stable as thermal event is absent within the studied temperature range ~30−1000 °C.
Whilst, the irregular shaped grains of surface morphologies of these samples showing a
broad distribution of mean grain size with increasing of dopant concentration. Six IRactive
phonon modes are observed in these chemically doped pyrochlores, which are
due to the vibration and bending of metal-oxygen bond in the range 1000 cm-1−200 cm-
All the doped BMN pyrochlores appeared to be highly insulating with their
conductivities in the order of ~10-6−10-5 Scm-1 at ~600 °C. These materials exhibited
moderate high ε‟, low tan δ in the order of 10-3−10-1 at ~30 °C and negative TCC
values, ~319−933 ppm/°C in the temperature range ~30−300 °C. The recorded ε‟
values of Ca-, Sr- and Ba-series are in the range 69−171, 90−186 and 147−183,
respectively at ~30 °C and 1 MHz. The Arrhenius conductivity plots of these doped
BMN pyrochlores showed linear and reversible characteristics in a heat-cool cycle. The
activation energies of BMCN, BMSN and BMBN pyrochlores are found in the range 1.17−1.47 eV, 1.20−1.49 eV and 1.18−1.30 eV, respectively. The high activation
energies, Ea > 1.0 eV are required for the electrical conduction, which is probably of a
hopping electronic type.
In attempts to investigate the electrical properties of pyrochlores in electrolyte, further
studies have been performed by using pyrochlore thin films coated on indium tin oxide
(ITO) glasses using cyclic voltametry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge (CD) and
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), respectively. Higher specific
capacitance is recorded for 1-layer sample compared to 3- and 5-layer sample coated
on ITO glasses in 1.0 M KCl electrolyte. The specific capacitance of 1-layer sample is
found to decrease with increasing dopant concentration in respective Ca- Sr- and Baseries.
On the other hand, the cyclic voltammogram curves of all the samples showed
rectangular in shape without any pseudocapacitance effect, which is a common
capacitive behaviour of electrochemical supercapacitors.
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