Hazaimeh, Oday Shafiq
Approximate Solution of the System of Nonlinear Integral Equations.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Integral equations are used as mathematical models for many physical situations and applied mathematics. The numerical solutions of such integral equations have been highly studied by many authors. In this thesis we deal with the system of nonlinear integral equations (NIEs) of the form ()()()(,)()0,2(,)()().tnyttnytxtHtxdnKtxdft (1) where 00, ()ttTytt , and the given functions 0[0,][,](,),(,)tHtKtC , 0[,]()tftC . The aim of the work is to find the unknown functions 0011[,],(),()ttxtCytC in (1). To this end, we introduce the operator function 12()((),())0,0,((),())PXPXPXXxtyt , (2) and hence (1) can be expressed in the operator form 1()2()((),())()(,)(),((),())()(,)().tnyttnytPxtytxtHtxdPxtytftKtxd We solve (2) by the modified Newton-Kantorovich method 0)())((000XPXXXP , ))(),((000tytxX . (3) Substituting the first derivatives in (3), we have 000010000()00()10000()0()()(,)()()(,())(())()(,)()(),(,)()()(,())(())()(,)()().tnnyttnyttnnyttnytxtHtnxxdHtytxytytHtxdxtKtnxxdKtytxytytKtxdft (4) where )()()(01txtxtx , )()()(01tytyty . Solving (4) in terms of (),()xtyt we obtain 11(),()xtyt , by continuing this process, we arrive to the sequence of approximate solutions (),()mmxtyt from 0011101()10()00011()()(,)()()(),(,)()()()1()(,())(())(,)()()mtnmmmyttnmmytmntnmmytxtnKtxxdFtnHtxxdxtytHtytxytHtxdxt (5) where )()()(1txtxtxmmm and )()()(1tytytymmm , m=2, 3… In discretization process the modified trapezoidal rule is applied for Eq. (5). In this thesis we have proved the existence and the uniqueness of the solution of Eq. (1). Moreover, the rate of convergence of modified Newton-Kontorovich method for Eq. (2) is established. Finally, FORTRAN code is developed to obtain numerical results which are in line with the theoretical findings
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