Abu Hanifah, Siti Syuhada
Factor influencing use of digital technology among secondary school teachers.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
In recent years, the use of digital technology has become vital for individuals to survive
in a digital society. In education, digital technology use is becoming a critical component
of the development of effective pedagogical practise and student learning enhancement.
To meet the demand, this study summarises the findings of an investigation on factors
affecting teachers’ digital technology use using an adaption of the Unified Theory of
Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT) and European Framework for
Educators' Digital Competences (DigCompEdu). The purpose of this study is to predict
a model of the factors that influence secondary school teachers' digital technology
utilization. This will be accomplished by determining the level of teachers' digital
competence, establishing relationships between constructs such as personal
innovativeness, ICT facility, technology self-efficacy, subjective norms, attitude toward
digital technology, and digital competence and finally, developing a model. A survey
was conducted with 363 secondary school teachers from 50 public secondary schools in
11 districts of Pahang. To obtain the sample, proportionate stratified sampling was used.
A quantitative study using the correlational technique has been proposed to address it.
The participants were asked to complete a questionnaire related to the constructs. The
findings indicate that teachers have an average level of digital competence. In terms of
the model, it has been established that personal innovativeness, self-efficacy in
technology, subjective norms, and digital competence have a significant effect on
teachers’ use of digital technology. However, it was discovered that ICT facilities have
no measurable impact on use of digital technology. The overall structural model with six
paths has explained 37.6 percent of the variance for use of digital technology among
secondary school teachers. The final section of the paper examined possible causes for
the study's findings and made recommendations for further research. These findings
emphasise the importance of increasing teachers' digital competence as well as numerous
factors that influence teachers' use of digital technology in order to fulfil the expectations
of future qualified professions and thus prepare students for the digital world.
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