Ismail, Suriani
Development and validation of an organizational citizenship behavior instrument among secondary school teachers in Malaysia.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) refers to the behavior of employees,
which typically exceeds their official duties and helps to increase organizational
performance. Many studies on OCB have been conducted in organizations,
however, scholars have only developed validated OCB scales in the Western
context. Hence, the accuracy of the items used in the studies in the Malaysian
context is arguable. In fact, scholars have agreed that OCB is operationally
defined by an individual’s perception, which may vary based on cultural and
social rules. Furthermore, limited literature was found on the context of
educational practices. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop and
validate a Malaysian version of a teachers’ OCB instrument. The instrument was
named as the Teacher OCB Instrument (TOCBI).
In addition, the study describes genuine scenarios of secondary school teachers’
OCB in Malaysia. A comprehensive review of the literature has identified a factor
that can potentially influence OCB, which is school climate. This study is
conducted in two phases: qualitative and quantitative. An exploratory sequential-mixed methods design was employed, accorded with DeVellis’s (2012) scale
development guideline. Three sessions of focus group discussions (FGD) were
conducted with 14 teachers for the qualitative study. The results of the qualitative
study revealed seven themes of OCB which are 1) altruism; 2) courtesy, 3)
conscientiousness, 4) civic virtue, 5) sportsmanship, 6) self-development, and 7)
individual initiative. Then, TOCBI was validated using the content validity index
(CVI) by 20 experts.
Questionnaires were administered to secondary school teachers for construct
validation. A total of 269 questionnaires at the exploratory stage and 824 questionnaires at the confirmatory stage were collected and analyzed. The
psychometric properties of TOCBI were examined using exploratory factor
analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The CFA showed that the
four-factor solution met the model fit with all factor loadings exceeding .50 and
the final model demonstrated a good fit with more than three fit indices
established at a high upper cut-off value of .90. Furthermore, the results of this
study confirmed the convergent and discriminant validity. The final model
revealed four dimensions of TOCBI which are civic virtue, interpersonal
facilitation, individual initiative and interpersonal harmony. Descriptive statistics
in terms of frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were used
to describe the scenario of OCB among secondary school teachers in Malaysia.
Findings revealed that the level of OCB among secondary school teachers was
In addition, the levels of the four TOCBI dimensions were also measured. A
comparison of the mean scores between the four factors of OCB showed that
interpersonal facilitation was the highest type of OCB exhibited by teachers,
followed by interpersonal harmony, civic virtue and individual initiative. In
validating the newly developed OCB, the instrument was tested with the school
climate. The findings show that there was a moderate, significant positive
relationship between school climate and OCB. Hence, the results of this study
support the research hypothesis whereby school climate influences teachers’
OCB. The discussion above shows that the current study has fully achieved the
research objectives.
Significantly, this study came out with a newly developed instrument to
accurately measure teachers’ OCB in Malaysia. Moreover, this study produced
fresh insight on the context of teachers in Malaysia to gain a better understanding
of the relationship between school climate and OCB. It provides a new, reliable
and validated teachers’ OCB instrument. In addition, this study extends the
existing body of knowledge within human resource, organizational research and
educational research. This study is beneficial to human resource practitioners to
develop and design an appropriate program to promote teachers’ OCB and
improve the level of OCB among teachers for success and prosperity. School
administrators and practitioners may use the findings to formulate strategies to
manage teachers’ OCB in order to increase teachers’ performance in school.
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