Muhammad, Isma'ila
Induced mutagenesis breeding through acute and chronic gamma irradiation for yield improvement in two Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.] varieties.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.] is a highly nutritious underutilized
legume with enormous potentials to sustain global food security. However, limitations
due to the crop flower's autogamous and small nature had limited its potential for
improvement through conventional breeding with a <2% success rate recorded from the
previous studies. Thus, the most viable method of improving this crop is by creating
genetic variability through induced mutagenesis. This study was conducted to induce
genetic variability in two Bambara groundnut varieties (Ex-Sokoto and Karo) through
acute and chronic gamma irradiation to developed high-yielding varieties. Healthy seeds
were exposed to acute gamma irradiation using Cesium-137 at the doses of 0 (Control),
25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, and 300 Gy. For chronic irradiation, two weeks
old healthy seedlings were exposed to the accumulated doses of 0 (Control), 8.52 (Ring
2), 17.04 (Ring 3), 35.56 (Ring 4), 34.09 (Ring 5), 42.61 (Ring 6), 59.65 (Ring 7), 93.74
(Ring 8), 144.87 (Ring 9), 255.64 (Ring 11) and 570.94 (Ring 15) Gy respectively for
852:08 hours in Gamma Green House (GGH) at Nuclear Malaysia until physiological
maturity. The experiments were laid down in Randomized complete block design
(RCBD) with three replications and four treatments for acute gamma irradiation.
However, for chronic gamma irradiation, it was (RCBD) with three replications and
eleven treatments at field 15 Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia. The
results for optimum lethal dose (LD) indicated highly significant differences (p ≤ 0.01)
for all evaluated traits except for internode length, which did not show any significant
difference (p ≤ 0.05). The established lethal doses (LD25%, 50%, 75%) for acute gamma
irradiation were 73, 160, 248 Gy and 68, 148, 227 Gy for Ex-Sokoto and Karo varieties.
Similarly, for chronic gamma irradiation, the established lethal doses (LD25%, 50%, 75%)
were 47, 250, 444 Gy and 70, 264, 452 Gy for Ex-Sokoto and Karo varieties. The
frequency of chlorophyll mutants identified includes; albina, chlorina, xantha, viridis,
maculata, and virescent. The occurrence of a virescent type of chlorophyll mutants was
the highest between the two varieties. In acute, chlorophyll mutants' overall effectiveness
and efficiency were 6.43 and 22.06 among EX-Sokoto, while 4.58 and 17.35 were
identified among the Karo variety. Similarly, in the chronic phase, chlorophyll mutants' overall effectiveness and efficiency were 12.02 and 11.51 among EX-Sokoto and 12.56
and 12.09 among Karo variety. The most noticeable macro mutants identified in this
study were linked to the plant height, flowering and maturity period, pods, leaf, and
growth habits. The results from both acute and chronic mutagenesis at M1 to M4
generations display significant improvements among the different mutagens doses used
in this study. It was observed that both acute and chronic gamma irradiation stimulates
plant growth at low and moderate gamma irradiation doses compared to the higher
gamma irradiation doses. Most of these mutants were identified in the acute phase at the
range of 68 to 150 Gy and 73 to 160 Gy for Karo and Ex-Sokoto varieties. Therefore 150
Gy and 160 Gy are regarded as appropriate gamma irradiation dose rates that can be used
to induce viable mutants in these varieties. Similarly, among the chronic gamma-irradiated mutants, the most outstanding doses include; 42.61 (ring 7), 25.56 (ring 9),
144.87 (ring 4) and 59.56 (ring 6). Significant improvement was achieved in yield and
yield components in both acute and chronic gamma irradiation methods. In the acute
phase, the highest mean yield recorded was 10.07 (ESK 250-P11) and 11.60 (KRO 70-
P16) t ha−1
for EX-Sokoto and Karo varieties. In contrast, 10.37 (ESK R14-P6) and 10.85
(KRO R9-P4) were recorded as the highest mean for EX-Sokoto and Karo variety in the
chronic phase. This result is more than two folds of the reported mean yield per hectare
in most existing varieties, including the two used in this study. There was high
heritability coupled with high genetic advance for most of the studied traits in yield and
yield components both in acute and chronic mutagenesis in this study. Therefore,
effective selection can be achieved using those traits in subsequent generations. Among
acute established mutants, ESK 75-P7 5.11, ESK 75-P15 6.99, ESK 160-P17 7.61, ESK
250-P11 10.07, ESK 250-P7 7.18 and KRO 70-P16 11.60, KRO 70-P5 6.60, KRO 150-
P3 11.16, KRO 230-P3 7.68, KRO 230-P3 6.60 were identified as mutants that can be
used for further study. For chronic mutants, ESK R6-P9 6.64, ESK R7-P4 6.76, ESK R8-
P7 7.47, ESK R11-P5 8.97, ESK R11-P5 6.80, ESK R14-P6 10.37 and KRO R3-P1 6.00,
KRO R6-P7 9.44, KRO R7-P3 6.62, KRO R8-P7 7.58, KRO R9-P4 10.85, KRO R11-
P9 9.93 can be used. Yield per plant observed a highly significant and positive correlation
with most of the rest of the traits studied. In conclusion, this study discovered that
induced physical mutagen through acute and chronic gamma radiation effectively
induces morphological genetic divergence in Bambara groundnuts and has established
the successful approach of induced physical mutagenesis in the two varieties used in this
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