Mohamed Tharikh, Shafazawana
Mediating effect of self-efficacy on relationship between psychosocial work environment factors and employee wellbeing among air traffic controllers in region 1 Peninsular Malaysia.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Examining the determinants of employee wellbeing are essential for both
theoretical and practical reasons because it will contribute to a more inclusive
thought of working life. They are related to the everyday work and life experience
of all organizational members which must be seriously viewed by the managers
to prepare employees to face head-on on new ways of working due to the global
environmental changes. In the Eleventh Malaysia plan, civil aviation is one
institution that should have been given greater attention. Air traffic controllers
(ATCs) as a profession is classified as the most stressful occupation. The
successful passing of certain competency test still does not guarantee that ATCs
will sustain a high level of wellbeing at the workplace. Hypertension among ATCs
is three times higher than normal for their age group. In year 2017, the volume
of air traffic in Malaysia has grown tremendously due to the increase in the
demand for air travel from 6.5% to 11.8%. When the complexity of the aviation
industry increases, ATCs can become overwhelmed with air traffic and it will
affect their wellbeing.
Employees’ mental health at the workplace should be optimized as workplaces
are built and designed to be one of the factors for employee wellbeing
advancement. The most worrying part is the mental health problem which is
expected to be a major problem among Malaysians by 2020. A comprehensive
empirical approach to employee wellbeing has not been completely established
in Malaysia. Wellbeing Theory of PERMA’s five pillars of Positive Emotions,
Engagement, Relationship, Meaning and Accomplishment was used in this
study as the underlying theory which could measure the employee wellbeing of
ATCs at their workplace. This a logical step and render the variable to be
measurable to account for the strength of wellbeing among the ATCs. Hence, this study is to examine the level of contributions of psychosocial work
environment factors and employee wellbeing of civil ATCs in Malaysia which is
mediated by self-efficacy.
A quantitative approach with cross-sectional design as a survey method has
been employed in this study and purposive sampling was used as the sampling
technique. The instrument adapted was tested and validated by expert opinions
and a pilot study. A total of 209 usable questionnaires were processed in this
study. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used
to validate the research model and to test the hypotheses while the
bootstrapping analysis in PLS-SEM was used to test the direct, indirect and the
mediation effect of self-efficacy. The measurement model used established
satisfactory reliability and validity measures where all indicator loadings were
greater than 0.50 while the internal consistency of all the constructs were able
to obtain composite reliability (CR) values of more than 0.60, thus demonstrating
construct reliability. Coefficient of Determination (R2) value for employee
wellbeing is 0.625, which can be considered high and it indicated that 62.5% of
the variance in the employee wellbeing was explained by psychosocial work
environment factors.
This study found that the level of psychosocial work environment factors and
employee wellbeing level among ATCs are high. The study also shows that there
is a relationship between psychosocial work environment factors and employee
wellbeing among ATCs while self-efficacy is also found to have a relationship
with ATCs’ wellbeing. Findings in this study also proved that self-efficacy
mediated the psychosocial work environment factors and employee wellbeing.
This study may be broadened to enrich the knowledge on ATCs with regards to
understanding their HRD needs and to suggest a new direction on their HRD
practices especially on future workplace development plans. In general, having
a clear understanding of what and how these variables influence employee
wellbeing is important as it can help CAAM to excel in all its endeavors. With
respect to practice, this study should assist Human Resource Development
(HRD) researchers, leaders and practitioners in understanding the problem of
employee wellbeing. Hence the result of this study could be used to help them
in advocating the wellness and wellbeing program and provide adequate training
to leaders about employee wellbeing. It is also a first in developing an integrated
model that explicitly accounts for the influence of psychosocial work environment
among civil ATCs in Malaysia.
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