Rezai-Marnani, Hamid
Some Effects of Subsea Water Pipeline Construction on Sessile Benthic Community Structure of Redang Island, Malaysia.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
A pipeline system, constructed in 1997- 1998, to provide water to Redang
Island, traverses an area covered with coral reefs. Biological studies were
conducted before and following the construction to monitor changes in habitat and
biota at selected sites. Pre-construction studies consisted of conducting inventories
of predominant marine life, and evaluating sites for their sensitivity to construction,
whilst, post-construction studies involved assessment of d isturbed areas and
monitoring the pattern of re-colonization by marine life. Marine environmental
impact associated with the pipeline-crossing was monitored in the vicinity of the
Island for one year. Evidence of the pipeline impact was assessed mainly by values
concerning the abundance of zoobenthic community (including corals) and species
diversity indices. Annelids and Arthropods were the most dominant phyla numerically during both study periods, being greater in pre-construction period.
Student t-test and One-way ANOVA analyses revealed that there was no significant
differences between total abundance of sessile macroinvertebrates during pre and
post-construction periods. Student t-test revealed a significant difference between
the means of live coral coverage during pre and post-construction periods. There
was no apparent change in total number of macro-invertebrates as a result of
pipe line construct ion. Results indicated that impacts arising from marine-crossing
were short-term and non-residual.
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