Ahmad, Azizah
Validation of method in evaluating accident costs in palm oil plantation industries.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Introduction: Occupational accidents in agriculture are one of the high accident
rates in Malaysia. Palm oil workers are facing risk due to the multiple agencies
that cause injuries. Accidents and injuries in the workplace may give major
impact on the company financial performance which is related to the cost of
the accident. The objective of this study is to validate the new instrument in
evaluating the accident cost in palm oil plantation industries.
Methodology: This study used the retrospective cross sectional study design
to examine accident cost, prevention cost and benefit of accident prevention
incurred by employers related temporary disablement cases in palm oil
plantation industries in Malaysia. The data was taken from Social Security
Organization (SOCSO) and Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia where the
accident report was reported. A total of 203 injured workers were chosen as
respondent representing a total of 48 palm oil companies were selected all
over Malaysia. For each occupational accident cases, the management
representative and the injured worker were interviewed by using the new
instrument in order to estimate the potential cost arises and incurred by the
company. This questionnaire was reviewed by expert by using content validity
index (CVI) method. The data were analyzed for validation, reliability, accident
costing, prevention cost and benefit of accident prevention. Regression
procedures in SPSS version 20 with p < 0.05 are used to identify the
effectiveness of investment on safety.
Result: Content validity study revealed that this instrument meets an excellent
level of content validity. The overall content validity index of the instrument (ACPB-Q) using universal agreement approach was high value of the S-CVI
which was 0.90 with content validity process identified three dimensions
consists of the accident prevention items was S-CVI 1, accident cost was SCVI
0.9 and benefit of accident prevention was S-CVI 0.85. There were better
agreements among experts on ACPB questionnaire. In Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA) results, the model fit indices are acceptable (RMSEA = 0.044)
or slightly less than the good fit values (AIC = 18.774, CFI = 0.998, IFI = 0.998,
and TLI = 0.995). The value of average variance extracted (AVE) was 0.605
and constructs reliability (CR) was 0.864. Both values met the criteria in the
validation with relatively good construct validity and internal consistency of the
model. The results for characteristic of accidents based on NADOPOD
Malaysia shows the main types of injury was were others wounds (17%), the
main types of accident were fall at the work place (44.33%), the main accident
causation were working environment (35.47%) and the main location of injury
were upper limb (35.96%). While, for the overall result of the accident cost
based on accident characteristic shows the average amount of median under
RM1200. The result of this study shows that the harvester category was shown
to have the highest accident cost with mean at RM8787.99(±2300.16), as the
percentage of the highest contributors to accidents was contributed by the cost
of losing output. As conclusion, the total of occupational accident costs show
score of median RM980(IQR274.00) with the output loss parameter gives the
largest percentage of the accidents cost with mean value of
RM7094.65(±2221.08). Coefficient analysis shows there is a strong, positive
correlation between cost of accident prevention and benefit of accident
prevention with a significant regression equation was found (F(1,48 ) = 163.78,
p < .001), with r of 0.88. A value of r = 0.88 which shows the model fit and
quite acceptable value for acceptance of model. The value of R square is 0.78
which is 78% explained variance in the dependent variable benefit of accident
prevention does contribute by prevention cost of accidents. It predicted the
benefit of accident prevention is equal to 21652.45 + 1.76x where the x
represents the cost of accident prevention and is measured in Ringgit
Malaysia. This suggested that the prevention cost of the accident is a good
predictor of the benefit of cost prevention.
Conclusion: The validity study helps researchers better understand, use and
criticize research instruments with a more accurate approach and realize that
the instruments are suitable for the construct, population under study, and
socio-cultural background in which the study is carried out. The data of
accident cost, prevention and benefit can provide the proposed equation
formulas as a guide to employer's decision making regarding accident
prevention which potentially leads to the company economic consequences
and their effectiveness of safety and health management.
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