Mohamed, Johar
Spatial and temporal effects on hydraulic conductance and other attributes of bamboo (Gigantochloa scortechinii Gamble).
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Gigantochloa scortechinii Gamble (Buluh Semantan) is one of the most common bamboo
species, and abundant with scattered distribution in Peninsular Malaysia. A study
was initiated to determine the structure and variation of most ignored part which is rhizome
from three different study sites and four consecutive rhizome ages. The study focused on
the variation of physiological, anatomical, chemical, and phytochemical attributes in relation to
site and rhizome age. This study was conducted at three different locations of Peninsular
Malaysia, namely Amanjaya Forest Reserve (Perak), Kenaboi Forest Reserve (Negeri Sembilan),
and Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve (Selangor). The sites were selected due to abundant of G.
scortechinii bamboo species distribution at those areas, and also represented different
climatic condition such as elevation, precipitation, and temperature. The destructive sampling of
four consecutive rhizomes of the bamboo species G. scortechinii was conducted
using selective random sampling method from healthy clumps. The four consecutive rhizomes were
represented as four different rhizome ages: a) new sprout, b) young, c) premature, and d) mature
The results showed that hydraulics conductivity (K) varied significantly (p<0.01) among study
sites, rhizome ages and their interaction (study site x rhizome ages). Significant
correlation was found between K with rhizome morphology; such as number of active buds (r = 0.455,
p<0.01), number of damaged buds (r
= -0.435, p<0.01) and rhizome branches (r = -0.673, p<0.01). Rhizome morphology such as
distance between young and old rhizome, rhizome length, number of internode, rhizome diameter
(upper, middle, lower, and mean), rhizome lumen diameter (middle, lower, and mean),
rhizome wall thickness upper, middle, lower, and mean), and number of buds (total,
active and
damaged) varied significantly and correlated with study site. However, rhizome lumen diameter at upper portion and rhizome branches were found insignificantly
different with study site. For rhizome age, significant variation (p<0.01) were only
found on number of buds, number of active buds, and rhizome branches. Furthermore,
number of buds and number of active buds were found decreased with increasing of rhizome age.
All the measured anatomical characteristics are significantly different with study site except
ground tissue parenchyma (GTP) diameter, GTP lumen diameter, and fiber (Fi) cell wall thickness
at p<0.05. With respect to rhizome age, the radial to the tangential ratio (RTR) was found
significantly different (p<0.01) with a negative relationship with rhizome age which
depicted that the RTR decreased with increasing of age. However, the vascular bundle (VB)
diameter, GTP diameter, GTP lumen Diameter, GTP cell wall thickness, Fi diameter, Fi cell wall
thickness, Fi length, and runkle ratio (RR) were significantly different (p<0.01) with a
significant relationship (r=0.343, 0.400, 0.350, 0.682, 0.367, 0.634, 0.413, and 0.320
respectively) with rhizome age which depicted that they are increased with increasing of
rhizome age. All measured anatomical characteristics including the conductance element
were found insignificant relationship with Kbg, except the GTP diameter and lumen diameter.
Regarding chemical attributes, the results indicate that the ash content (AC), alcohol-acetone
soluble (AAS) and holocellulose (HC) were significant different (p<0.01) among study sites.
Furthermore, AC, hot water soluble (HWS), AAS, lignin (L), and HC were found significantly
different (p<0.01) with a strong relationship (r=-0.823, 0.688, 0.986, 0.945, 0.510
respectively) with rhizome age. The AC showed a significant (p<0.01) positive relationship
(r=0.747) with Kbg which depicted that the decreasing of AC in increasing of rhizome
age resulted to decreasing of Kbg, but, HWS, AAS, L, and HC showed a significant (p<0.01) negative
relationship (r=-0.706, -0.914, -0.857, -0.567 respectively) with Kbg which depicted that
the increasing of those chemical attributes in increasing of rhizome age resulted to
decreasing of Kbg.
The AC is suggested to be related with the nutrient elements which are crucial for fast growth of
growing organ than the older bamboo organ. The relationship of AC with nutrient elements changes
during maturation period is related with all three hypotheses in previous studies which are
(a) the ability to absorb nutrient, (b) metabolically active vascular tissues that
translocate the nutrient elements, and (c) the dilution effects of quickly increasing of biomass.
Results indicate that several nutrient elements such as nitrogen (N), sulfur (S),
phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), copper (Cu) (all p<0.01), and
ferum (Fe) (p<0.05) concentration were found significantly different with study site.
The nutrient elements such as N, P, K, Ca, magnesium (Mg), Cu, and zinc (Zn) were found
significantly different (p<0.01) and their concentration decreased with increasing rhizome
age (r=-0.912, -0.834, - 0.844, -0.834, -0.899, -0.364, and -0.933 respectively). The
changes of N (r=0.827), P (r=0.928), K (r=0.871), Ca (r=0.903), Mg (r=0.836), and Zn
(r=0.841) showed a significant (p<0.01) strong positive relationship with AC which depicted that the decreasing of those nutrient elements concentration in
increasing of rhizome age resulted to decreasing of AC.
Furthermore, the spatial and age-related effect also showed a great variation in phytochemical
composition and concentration. Eighteen compounds were found similar at all three
study sites; however, their composition and concentration considerably showed
age-dependent. It is suggested that the variation of phytochemical composition and
concentration is more affected by rhizome age compared to the study site. Results also
revealed various beneficial phytochemical compounds such as 4h-pyran-4-one,2,3-dihydro-3,5-
dihydroxy-6-methyl, benzofuran, 2,3-dihydro-, phenol,3,4-dimethoxy-, benzoic
acid,4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-, quinic acid, and n-hexadecanoic acid in the ethanolic extract
with potential contribution to the plant-derived biomaterial.
Results from this study could enhance the understanding beyond the lack information of
hydraulic conductance in bamboo rhizome and factors that influence the conductivity.
The results can be implementing in bamboo management practices to ensure
sustainable and profitable production. However, it should be depending on the objective of
the targeted product such as for culm/rhizome, bamboo shoot, or bamboo leaves production. This
study also attempts to promote the utilization of bamboo specifically the G.
scortechinii species regarding bio-perspective with its great potential for
industries. Authors believed that effort on developing national economic and industries
can avoid international treats through good practices such as avoid conversion of forest area into
plantation or agricultural land, and also by using abundant indigenous natural resources in
forest area with a sustainable
management practices.
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