Mustaffa, Razali
Physico-Chemical Changes in Cavendish Banana (Musa Cavendishii L. Var. Montel) During Fruit Development, Maturation and Storage.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Studies on the physico-chemical changes between different hand
positions (top, middle and bottom) within a bunch and different finger positions
(upper and lower) within a hand at different maturity stages (between 3 to 15 weeks
from the appearance of flower emergence) were carried out on 'Montel' banana
(Musa cavendishii L). The size, weight, volume and peel colour of fruits increased
significantly (P<0.01) for fruits from all positions (hands and fingers within a hand)
within a bunch until the end of maturity stage. On the other hand, fruit texture
decreased significantly (P<0.01). The total soluble solids (TSS), ascorbic acid (AA)
and sugar contents increased slowly during development, but the increase was rapid
during ripening. The starch composition accumulated gradually (P<0.05) at the early
stages and decreased thereafter. The pH and titratable acidity values showed an irregular pattern in an the fruits from an positions during the maturity stage. There
was a significant decrease (P<0.01) in the tannin content between the different
portions of hands within a bunch and between different fingers within a hand at
maturity. There was an increase in AIS at the early stages, but after approaching
maturity (week 12), it decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the ripe fruits. The pectins
increased at the early stages until a maximum at week 12 and then slowly decreased.
At the end of maturity stage, the pectic substances started to increase slowly until the
ripening stage. The suitable harvesting stage was found to be between 12 to 15
weeks after flower emergence. Postharvest treatment with liquid paraffin, clingwrap,
low density polyethylene (LDPE) with and without potassium permanganate
(KMn04) were studied to extend the shelf life of 'Montel' banana (Musa cavendishii L.), under refiigeration (15± l0 C) and at ambient temperature (27±1°C). The fruits
packed in LDPE with KMn04 ripened within 60 days after harvesting at week 12
from flower emergence. This was followed by fruits packed in LDPE without
KMn04 (54 days), clingwrap (42 days), liquid paraffin (36 days), control at 15°C (24
days) and control at ambient (18 days). The percentage weight loss, peel and pulp
colours of fruits increased significantly (P<0.01) for all treatments during storage. On
the other hand, the texture values and tannin content of the fruit decreased
significantly (P<0.01) during storage. The rise in total soluble solids (TSS) and sugar
were slow initially but gradually increase rapidly at the end of the storage period.
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