Asgari, Seyed Alireza
Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of Femoral Head Replacement.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Although several years of research and experiment are dedicated to Total Hip
Replacement (THR) of the conventional implant, there is yet no reliable answer
for those patients who are very active and young. In this study, a modelling of
the bone around two different types of implant has been carried out. Currently
proposed design studied here, is the generic concept of stemless implant. The
stemless implant reconstruction was compared to the conventional implant and
also to the intact bone as control solution. A modelling approach with Finite
Element (FE) method was adopted. A model of femur was developed and
element optimisation was carried out to find the best mesh refinement.
The models were divided into two regions from proximal head to 40 mm
distance toward distal end (R1) and 40 mm distance from proximal head toward
the distal end (R2). For two different loading conditions of bending and torsion,
the models were solved by ANSYS software. The results were compared with
those of the experimental literature for validation. The results of this study showed that the stem less implant had less deviation
from the control sol ution of the bone in a l l reg ions and in both loading
cond itions, com pa ring to the large d eviation of the stemmed i mplant fro m the
intact bone.
The stemless i mplant showed perfect fit to the control sol ution i n R2 region
except for the 14 m m highest part of this reg ion where the ste m le ss i mplant
showed strain red uction in the i nterface of the bone and the implant. This region
wa s sub-trochanter and wa s concluded to practically be the weak point of this
type of implant. Meanwhile, the stemless i mplant type had sign ificant changes
in stress and strain d i stribution i n R1 reg io n . This region was the im plant region
itself and it was concluded that a g reat amount of care m u st be taken for this
region when designing such an i m plant.
The results of this study ind icated that the stem less type of i m p lant could
become a suitable alternative fo r conve ntional type of implant in hemia
rthroplasties. However, the fixation of this type of i mplant and its effect on subtrochanter
region m u st be con sidered for d esigning the fi nal prod uct. More
comprehensive numerical investigations on specific designs, with more loading
cond itions and contact algorithms inclusion, could be of major benefit to
improve the fi nal o utcome of the design process.
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