Adnan, Affendy
Case Study of "Value Based Management (VBM) in Petronas Gas".
[Project Paper Report]
Encik Abdul Rahim was quite disturbed with the discussion that had transpired last
month between him and his general manager of Corporate and Commercial Services
Division, Encik Ahmad Hafifi. The validity on how the company had been allocating
funds and resources on new investments was the main topic of the discussion.
Traditionally, Petronas Gas Bhd (PGB) had been trying to cope with various
established corporate performance criterions such as boosting the Earnings per Share
(EPS), m aximising Price per Earnings ratio (PIE) and also increasing net profit.
Throughout the history of PGB, these were the important figures to indicate the
performance of the company. New investments likewise, were evaluated based on their
contributions in improving these figures.
Encik Abdul Rahim as CEO of PGB, felt that the issue must be looked at seriously.
This could have huge impact on how PGB looked at future investment opportunities .
As far as he could remember, the existing accounting based indicators used by the
company had been accurate in showing PGB's performances in the past. His view was
also shared by Encik Basharuddin, the general manager of Finance Division.
Encik Ahmad Hafifi explained "The value based management (VBM) is the tool that
will help us in developing competitive strategy and propel us to greater heights in managing our business. The value culture should be instilled in every aspect of our
business. " He added that there were a few commonly used measures that had
correlation with value creation. They were Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Total
Assets (ROTA), Free CashFlow (FCF), CashFlow Return on Investment (CFROI) and
Share Value Added (SV A). The only difference between these measures were the
degree of correlation with the value created.
Most of these measures were the popular financial ratios. FCF was the conventional
cash flow forecast measures used by most companies. CFROI measure was introduced
by the Boston Consulting Group. On the other hand, SVA was established by Stem
Stewart Inc., a New York consultant which was similar to Economic Earnings (EE)
and Economic Value Added (EVA).
Encik Abdul Rahim knew about VBM from the literature that he had read. He had
brushed it aside by saying to himself that he was doing all right with the current
indicators. Three weeks ago, the board of directors of PGB had asked him how could
he ensure that shareholders wealths were maximised with every investments made by
PGB. He knew most of the indicators used by the company to evaluate investment had
no or little correlation with value creation. After his discussion with Encik Ahmad
Hafifi last month, he had set his staff to evaluate all the value based measures and
compared them with the existing measures. The next board of director meeting would
be next week and he would need an answer by then. managing our business. The value culture should be instilled in every aspect of our
business." He added that there were a few commonly used measures that had
correlation with value creation. They were Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Total
Assets (ROTA), Free CashFlow (FCF), CashFlow Return on Investment (CFROI) and
Share Value Added (SVA). The only difference between these measures were the
degree of correlation with the value created.
Most of these measures were the popular financial ratios. FCF was the conventional
cash flow forecast measures used by most companies. CFROI measure was introduced
by the Boston Consulting Group. On the other hand, SV A was established by Stern
Stewart Inc., a New York consultant which was similar to E conomic E arnings (EE)
and E conomic Value Added (EVA).
E ncik Abdul Rahim knew about VBM from the literature that he had read. He had
brushed it aside by saying to himself that he was doing all right with the current
indicators. Three weeks ago, the board of directors of PGB had asked him how could
he ensure that shareholders wealths were maximised with every investments made by
PGB. He knew most of the indicators used by the company to evaluate investment had
no or little correlation with value creation. After his discussion with E ncik Ahmad
Hafifi last month, he had set his staff to evaluate all the value based measures and
compared them with the existing measures. The next board of director meeting would
be next week and he would need an answer by then
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