Ch'ng, Huck Ywih
Carbon accumulation and soil assessment of an early stage rehabilitated tropical forest.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Logging and shifting cultivation negatively affect initial soil carbon (C)
storage especially at the initial stage of deforestation as such practices lead
to global warming. Thus, afforestation programme is needed to mitigate this
problem. Many studies have been reported to estimate regional C storage
and national C budgets of temperate forests in many countries but little is
known about the trend of soil C accumulation and soil fertility for forest
regrowth in relation to an initial stage of rehabilitated forests in the tropics
such as Malaysia. Information on C accumulation and soil fertility for forest
regrowth of rehabilitated forests suggest whether these forests can serve as
C sink to mitigate climate change. Thus, the objective of this study was to
determine the soil C accumulation quantitative and qualitatively, and soil
fertility of an early stage of a rehabilitated forest. The study was conducted
in a rehabilitated forest of Universiti Putra Malaysia, Bintulu Sarawak
Campus area (Latitude 03o12 N and Longitude 113o02 E at 50 m above sea level) with the mean annual rainfall, relative humidity and temperature of
2933 mm, 80%, and 27 oC respectively. The area was previously abandoned
after shifting cultivation activity and it has been rehabilitated since 1991 by
planting indigenous timber species from the family Dipterocarpaceae and
Non-Dipterocarpaceae. The size of each experimental plot was 30 x 40 m.
Soil samples were collected randomly using a mineral soil auger from 1- to
7-year-old rehabilitated forest at 0-20, 20-40, and 40-60 cm depths. Ten
samples were collected from each depth per plot and each sample was a
bulk of three samples. These soil samples were air dried, crushed manually,
and sieved to pass a 2-mm sieve, after which they were transferred into
plastic bags and labelled. The soil texture of the rehabilitated forest was
Typic Paleudalts and is a typical of Ultisols, which is characterized by the
coarse loamy yellow podzolic group that developed from weathering of
sandstone. The procedures outlined in the Materials and Methods section
were used to analyze the soil samples for pH, total C, soil organic matter
(SOM), total nitrogen (N), C/N ratio, yield of humic acid (HA), and soil
stable C from humic acids (CHA). The bulk densities at these depths were
determined by the coring method. The bulk density method was used to
quantify soil total N stocks, soil total C, SOM, HA, and CHA at the stated
sampling depths on per hectare basis. The first study determined the soil C
accumulation of an early stage of a rehabilitated forest. Results showed that
pH decreased significantly with increasing age of rehabilitated forest
regardless of depth. SOM and total C contents increased with age. No
significant difference in the quantity of CHA content for the different ages
of rehabilitated forest at 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm soil were observed. Since the CHA is more stable, it is more realistic to quantify the amount of C
accumulated in setting up the rehabilitated forest at initial stages. The
second study qualitatively assessed the initial soil C accumulation of the
rehabilitated forests using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
The spectra of all locations were similar because there was no significant
difference in the quantities of CHA regardless of forest age and soil depth.
The spectra showed distinct absorbance at 3290, 1720, 1630, 1510, 1460,
1380 and 1270 cm-1. Increase of band at 1630 cm-1 and 1510 cm-1 from 0-20
cm to 40-60 cm were observed, suggesting C decreased down the depths of
20-40 cm and 40-60 cm. However, the CHA in the soil depths were not
different. The band at 1630 cm-1 was assigned to carboxylic and aromatic
groups. Increase in peak intensity at 1510 cm-1 was because C/N ratio
increased with increasing soil depth. This indicates that decomposition rate
decreased with increasing soil depth and but decreased with stable C. FTIR
allows qualitative identification of functional groups and thus providing a
better understanding of decomposition pathways of soil organic matter and
C build up. The third study assessed the initial soil fertility by comparing
the soil factors of different ages of the rehabilitated forest. The SEF values
of the rehabilitated forest showed low fertility and showed slight increase
with increasing depth. In the depths of 20-40 and 40-60 cm, SEF values
were high due to nutrient absorption of tree roots and nutrient leaching.
Nutrients such as potassium (K), aluminium (Al), and SOM were found to
be important variables influencing trees growth rate in this nutrient poor soil.
Al and SOM in particular, had significant influence on the soil fertility and
thus may have effect on the tree growth rate in this poor fertility site. Low SOM content and coarse sand soil texture caused nutrients to leach rapidly
in Ultisols, thus causing soils to be poor in plant nutrients. The SEF used in
this study allows comparative analysis of soil fertility and evaluation and
identification of soil conditions among initial ages of rehabilitated forests.
Overall, this study did not show any significant statistical accumulation in
the soil C stocks up to 7-year-old rehabilitated forest and this was mainly
due to the supply of raw materials since the trees were considered as
immature stage (1- to 7-year-old) in comparison to a continuous supply of
organic matter from mature vegetation in the existing older stand of
rehabilitated forest and secondary forest. This clearly shows that
afforestation program requires a long period (20 years) to recover the C
stocks in soil and it is serious to clear the forest for unsustainable land usage.
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