Cheok, Mei Lick
Factors that influence satisfaction towards frog virtual learning environment among champion secondary school teachers in Southern Region of Malaysia.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
The focus of the study was to investigate factors that influence satisfaction towards
the FROG Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in the teaching and learning among
the Champion Secondary Schools teachers. It is imperative for MOE to determine the
factors that predicts satisfaction towards FROG VLE due to its implications to
teachers’ continuous usage of the system. It has been reported that there is an
association between user satisfaction and a continued usage of an e-learning system.
This would help e-learning developers, MOE, school administrators and teachers to
be more apt in designing strategies that are more likely to increase teachers’
satisfaction, thus continue the use of e-learning.
The predictors studied were from three categories; characteristics of the teachers, the
system and the organisation. Specifically, the factors studied from each category
were computer anxiety, computer attitude and internet self-efficacy for teacher’s
characteristics; training, technical support and school management in relation to
organisation’s characteristics; and perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,
flexibility and interaction in studying FROG VLE’s characteristics. Use of the FROG
VLE was studied as a mediator and gender as a moderator.
The study was based on a quantitative method with correlational research design
conducted by analysing the statistics of mean, standard deviation, percentage and
frequency. The statistical analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) had used
SPSS and AMOS Version 22 in analysing the data. The validity of the instrument
was established through a panel of content and language experts. A pilot test was
carried out among 64 teachers and the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient was found
ranging from .81 to .97. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted in order to test for consistency of constructs and to determine the constructs validity.
The study involved 350 respondents from the Champion FROG VLE secondary
school teachers from three states, namely, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor. In
selecting the sample, the technique used was the proportionate stratified cluster
Several significant findings emerged from this study. The results attained from the
analysis generated a model – the Malaysian Teachers’ Satisfaction Model that could
be used to explain factors that affect satisfaction towards the FROG VLE among
school teachers. There were five significant paths in influencing Satisfaction which
are the Internet Self-Efficacy, Computer Attitude, Training, Flexibility and Use of
FROG VLE. Consequently, 86% of the variance in satisfaction was explained by the
five variables of the study.
Mediation analysis has found the construct Use of FROG VLE to be significant,
acting as a partial mediator between Internet Self-efficacy and Satisfaction. Full
mediation were found in the relationship between Computer Anxiety, Perceived
Usefulness, Perceives Ease of Use, Interaction and School Management on
Satisfaction. Gender was found not significant as a moderator between Use and
Factors that were found to influence teachers satisfaction towards FROG VLE
include Internet Self-Efficacy, Computer Attitude, Training, Flexibility and Use of
Frog VLE. Through the mediation test, it can be concluded that with greater use of
the FROG VLE, it would lead variables like Computer Anxiety, Perceived
Usefulness, Perceives Ease of Use, Interaction and School Management towards
Satisfaction. As gender is not significant as a moderator, no differentiation of
trainings is needed between the male and female teachers. Hence, the findings of this
research will guide and direct stakeholders into specifically focusing on factors that
have direct relevance and influence onto teachers satisfaction towards the FROG
VLE. As satisfaction will ensure continued use of the system, this in turn will help to
further build teachers’ pedagogical skills and techniques in teaching through the
FROG VLE. The hope for a more sophisticated utilisation of technology across the
schools would then be realised. This will also benefit and yield greater returns to the
Ministry of Education in line with the investment made towards the virtual learning
initiative for classroom teaching and learning.
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