Matthew, Nitanan Koshy
Rural tourism demand of international visitors to the Kilim Karst Geoforest Park, Langkawi, Malaysia.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Rural tourism provides opportunities for visitors to visit rural attractions available in a
rural area. Kilim Karst Geoforest Park (KKGP) which is located in a rural setting
offers rural tourism experience to visitors. It is chosen as the study site in the present
study because it is one of the three parks located in the Langkawi Island that has been
granted geopark status by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization in 2007. The high number of international visitor arrivals to the park has
induced the need to identify the factors influencing their visitations to the park.
Besides that, whether the visitors to the park obtain benefits from their visit is
unknown. And, the intangibility nature of the products and services offered at the
park has necessitated the need to determine the economic value of the park.
The objective of the study is to identify the socio-demographic and characteristics of
visits of international visitors. Besides, to identify the factors influencing the rural
tourism demand of international visitors to the Kilim Karst Geoforest Park, Langkawi
and to determine the economic value of the park. Rural tourism demand model for the
park has been developed using one of the popular environmental valuation techniques
which is the Travel Cost Method. Both types of TCM methods the zonal and individual
travel cost (ZTCM, ITCM) have been utilized in the study. The differences between
the two methods are, for ZTCM demand is based from the particular zones, whereas
for ITCM, it is based from the individuals who have visited the site only.
The modification of the basic TCM model has taken into account other demand
shifting variables besides the travel cost in the model. This is to overcome the problem
of either underestimating or overestimating of the consumer surplus. The variables are onsite cost and time, cost to alternative site, quality of site, WTP and socio
demographic variables constituting of age, gender, education level, and gross monthly
income of the visitors. Structured questionnaire and face-to-face data collection method
are employed to obtain the primary data from 330 international visitors for two weeks
at the park and Langkawi international airport. The respondents are chosen based on
the convenient sampling technique. However, only 300 samples are used for further
analysis due to inadequate information accumulated from the respondents.
In terms of choosing appropriate individual as respondent, guidelines are adhered to.
Firstly, international visitors are asked about their nationality. This is because there is a
major confusion in identifying whether the visitors are local or international visitors
particularly visitors from China, Korea, Japan, India, and Indonesia. Besides, only the
head of the group is selected as the respondent to avoid double counting of
respondents. Average time incurred for the survey is about 10 – 15 minutes. There are
six main elements in the designed questionnaire namely the record item, travel
information, travel and on-site cost, quality of the site, willingness to pay (WTP) and
finally, socio – demographic information. The instrument of study; the questionnaire is
designed only in the English language. The reason is that the English language is an
internationally recognized language. Hence, it will be a good medium to obtain higher
response rate from the respondents.
The Poisson regression analysis is conducted to estimate the ITCM model using the
Limited Dependent models (LIMDEP) software, version 4. On the other hand, the
Ordinary, Least Square (OLS) regression analysis is conducted for the ZTCM models
using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), version 21. The findings show
that for ZTCM, the economic value is estimated to be at €64 million using the Kilim
hour’s model. On the other hand, the economic value for the Langkawi and Kilim
satisfaction model could not be determined because the travel cost variable is found to
be insignificant. For ITCM, the economic value is estimated to be at €296 million, €82
million, and €27 million for Langkawi, Kilim satisfaction and hour’s models
respectively. The findings of the study will be useful for the management of the park
to make any justifications regarding the spending for the park and in making
appropriate decisions concerning to the development of the rural tourism in the park.
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