Zainuddin, Zalita
Microstructure, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of
La0.67(Sr1-Xbax)0.33 Mn1-Ytiyo3.
PhD thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
A study on the microstructure, magnetic and electrical properties of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3
substituted with Ba at Sr site and Ti at Mn site have been performed. Samples of
La0.67(Sr1-xBax)0.33 Mn1-yTiyO3 (LSBMT) with x = 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00;
and y = 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.40 and 0.60 were prepared using solid state
reaction method. Quantitative compositional percentage data of the elements results
confirmed the expected La:Sr:Ba:Mn:Ti ratios for the prepared samples. X-ray
Diffractometer (XRD) spectrum showed single phase compounds, except for samples
with y = 0.60 which have La2Ti2O7 peaks. Sr substitution with Ba changed the
rhombohedral R-3c structure to cubic Pm3m, however Mn substitution with Ti only
increased the lattice parameters values, without changing the whole structure.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images showed a few porous structured
samples, with coarse and fine grains while the others showed large closely packed
grains with clear shapes and grain boundaries. The magnetization studies showed
that samples with y = 0.00 exhibited a transition from the ferromagnetic to the
paramagnetic phase as temperature increased and the Curie temperature, TC
decreased from 371 K to 341 K when x increased from 0.00 to 1.00. TC also decreased when y increased. Magnetization versus field patterns did not differ much
with x composition. The ferromagnetic behaviour for 0.00 ≤ y ≤ 0.15 change to
paramagnetic when y ³ 0.20. Resistivity versus temperature study showed that
samples with y = 0.00 had metal-like behaviour. Nearly all samples with 0.00 < y <
0.20 showed metallic and semiconducting-like behaviour. LSBMT with y ³ 0.20
exhibited only semiconducting behaviour. The metal-insulator transition temperature,
TP decreased with increment of x and/or y. At T < TP the resistivity curves can be
fitted with the r = r0 + r2T2 relations. For T > Tp the curves can be fitted with the
variable range hopping (VRH) model and small polaron hopping (SPH) model. The
density of states at Fermi level, N(EF) values were between 1018 to 1022 eV-1cm-3.
Polaron activation energy, Ep increased with y ranging from 47 meV to 210 meV.
Magnetoresistance (MR) measurement showed an increment of the MR % when the
magnetic field increased and temperature decreased. The maximum MR % was ~34
% for LSBMT with x = 0.00 and y = 0.15 at 100 K and 1.0 Tesla. Samples with y £
0.10 showed low field magnetoresistance (LFMR) effect. At 1000 Hz LSBMT with x
= 0.00, 0.25 and 0.75 exhibit a ferroelectric-paraelectric transition peak at 200 K, 250
K and 225 K respectively, with the highest e' value of 6.54 x 105 when x = 0.25, y =
0.20. The Nyquist plots of Z" versus Z' showed depressed semicircles contributed by
the grain, grain boundary and/or electrode effect. Two relaxation processes occurred
in the AC conductivity curve due to the grain and grain boundary. Materials with
very high dielectric constant ~ 105 at 1000 kHz were successfully synthesized with x
£ 0.75; y = 0.20 and all samples with y = 0.40. Samples with y = 0.40 have wide
range of nearly frequency and temperature independent high dielectric constant.
These samples are excellent for capacitors fabrication.
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