Fadhil, Rasha Mohammadsime
Daily operation of Bukit Merah reservoir with stochastic dynamic programming under climate change impact.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
In recent decades, growing populations and economic development in urban regions
have resulted in severe water shortage in many countries, whereas around 70% of the
total global water is used in agriculture. Anthropogenic climate change is another
serious concern, potentially causing water shortages over different spatial and
temporal scales. Due to increases in the global mean temperature, changes in the
frequency and intensity of precipitation, and rising sea levels. These changes will be
having adverse effects on water resources management. Bukit Merah Reservoir
(BMR) located in Perak, Malaysia is chosen as a study site to examine future optimal
release policies to supply paddy irrigation water to the Kerian Irrigation Scheme
(KIS), as well as meeting the domestic and industrial water demand. Kurau River
Basin (KRB), where 4 weather stations are located, is considered as the main source
of water supply to BMR. This study attempted to optimal reservoir operation with the
adaptive future strategies under the new realities of climate change on the hydrological
regimes at a tropical agro-hydrological watershed.
Many studies have been conducted on the future change in the hydrological cycle at
the global and continental levels over the coming decades using General Circulation
Models (GCMs) under different greenhouse gas emission scenarios of Representative
Concentration Pathways (RCPs). Climate projections from GCMs require
downscaling for use in regional water resources management applications, to convert
the variables from coarse resolutions to local or regional scales. In this study, future
climate variables are generated through statistical downscaling, stochastic Weather
GENerator (WGEN) method used to downscaling current and future rainfall and
temperature from 10 GCMs output for the 3 future periods: 2010-2039, 2040-2069
and 2070-2099. The GCMs are driven by 3 of the recent updated RCPs scenarios,namely, RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5. The Richardson-type model was discussed to
clarify trends and variations in each GCM and ensembles of the variables in the
context of the different RCPs and future periods.
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic model is applied to KRB to
predict streamflow for both historical (1976-2006) and future (2010-2099) periods by
following a rigorous calibration and validation analysis using the Sequential
Uncertainty Fitting (SUFI-2) technique. SUFI-2 procedures gave good results in
minimizing the differences between observed and predicted flows at the outlet of the
KRB. The objective functions, viz. coefficient of determination, (R2), Nash-Sutcliff,
(NSE) and Percent Bias, (PBIAS), have been tested and show better correlation and
agreement between the observed and predicted streamflows on monthly scale. The
impact of climate change on future flows of the KRB is evaluated in the validated
SWAT model. There is projected streamflow reduction during the off-season months
and increasing trend is projected in the main cropping season, with the exception of
June and July months where the streamflow remains low, which could be due to high
surface warming in future. The response characteristics of the runoff process in KRB
identified by SWAT is used for setting model structures for operation of BMR.
Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) is applied to determine the optimal policies
for release discharges from the BMR, under current and future conditions (25
scenarios combinations of 10 GCMs, 3 RCPs and 3 future time periods). In particular,
6 sets of projections representing the upper and lower limits of changes in rainfall are
considered. The penalty function is prescribed to minimize the difference between the
actual release and demand while avoiding overflows from the irrigation canals and
maintaining the BMR water level as close to the normal level as possible. Discounting
the penalty is necessary to obtain a one-year periodic optimal policy as the limit of the
terminal time T goes to infinity. Two extreme projections of rainfall change with
opposite signs have been chosen. Using a realistic value of 0.950 for the discount rate,
the optimal policies impose restrictions on the discharge rates to meet domestic
demand more often for these two extreme cases than under current conditions. The
results show that a striking consequence of the optimal policies for the two
precipitation extremes both impose restrictions on supplying the irrigation water,
resulting in similar increases in the maximum of the value function. This demonstrates
that even if operators follow the optimal operation policy, mitigation measures against
climate change and increasing water demands are necessary. As the development of
alternative water sources currently seems to be inefficient. However, max penalty
function mitigates the maximum deficit (MRI) from 23.4% to 11.6%, SDP is very
powerful in suppressing the impact of climate change in term of vulnerability. The
promotion of water saving technologies for water users is highly recommended.
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