Poorgholam, Reza
Toxicity and Immunosuppressive Effects of Diazinon in Grass Carp, Ctenopharyngodon Idella (Cuvier and Valenciennes).
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Grass carp is one of the valuable warm water fish species that is currently
being cultured in polyculture system in Iran. Despite of large scale grass carp
farming in the East Asian countries, only minimum data is available
concerning the fish immune system and the effect of organophosphate
chemicals on the fish immune response. Diazinon is one of the major
organophosphate pesticides currently used in Northern and Southern part of
Iran. Unfortunately, these areas are also the main regions for grass carp
culture and there are regular reports of the disease outbreaks particularly in
the provinces of Gilan and Khozestan. In addition, previous studies has
indicated that Aeromonad septicemias was one of main factor in the high
mortality occurrences in the grass carp, in particular whenever the fish
immune system seems to be suppressed by some toxicants.
The specific objectives of this study were: (i) determination of 96-h LC5()
diazinon in grass carp; (ii) purification and partial characterization of grass carp IgM; (iii) assessment of some humoral and cellular immunoresponses of
non- immunized and immunized grass carp, following exposure to diazinon.
In this study, LC50 of diazinon at 96 hour in grass carp was determined to be
15.13 mg/L. The examination of hematological and tissue enzyme
parameters indicated that diazinon at sublethal levels had caused an effect
similar to anemia. In addition, a significant decrease of lymphocytes values
and significant increase of PMNs values were observed. There were also
significant and insignificant changes in some blood parameters such as
monocytes and myelocytes counts, MCH, MCHC, AST, ALP, ALT and LDH
values at different days of post exposure of diazinon. Such fluctuations
indicated that fish hematopoietic tissues were in stress and were in constant
struggles to maintain normal condition.
The pathological effects of diazinon on the liver, kidney, spleen, gills, and
nostrils of grass carp examined under light and electron microscope, showed
that diazinon caused severe damage to the cell structure such as congestion
of blood vessels, haemorrhage, cellular infiltration, pyknosis of cells nuclei,
vacuolar degeneration and general necrosis in the tissues of kidney, spleen
and liver. There were also degenerative changes of interstitial tissue,
detachment of tubular basement membrane in kidney. In the gills,
hyperplasia and fusion of secondary lamellae, separation and sloughing of
epithelium from the underlying basement membrane were also observed.
In the lysozyme study it was indicated that grass carp reacted to diazinon by
raising the level of lysozyme in tissues of spleen and kidney and also in serum of Aeromonas-immunized fish exposed to diazinon and control
positive (immunized only), as compared to control negative (non-immunized
and not exposed to diazinon). However, the level of lysozyme in immunized
fish exposed to diazinon is lower than control positive that indicated the
depressive effect of toxicant on fish immune system. Analysis on data of
leucocytes chemiluminescent response indicated that cellular factors of fish
immunity following immunization with A. hydrophila and also under influence
of diazinon, responded by changing its functional activities, as evidenced by
a high chemiluminescent response in both of immunized fish exposed to
diazinon and control positive groups as compared to the control negative
group. However, the level of chemiluminescent response in immunized and
exposed group was insignificantly lower than control positive group that
indicated the negative effect of diazinon on fish immune system. In summary,
an of the above findings proved the immunosuppressive effect of diazinon on
nonspecific immune system of grass carp.
The level of IgM in serum of normal grass carp was found to range from 3 to
4 mglml. Estimation of molecular weight of grass carp IgM was performed
using three different methods. Affinity chromatography method gave the
approximate values of about 480 and 640 KDa in SDS-PAGE, while gel
chromatography and ion-exchange chromatography methods showed an
identical molecular weight with an approximate value of 490 KDa.
In antibody study, the titers of immunized fish were significantly higher than
immunized fish exposed to diazinon. In addition, a strong positive correlation was also demonstrated between the results of ELlSA and agglutination titers.
These observed results confirmed the immunosuppressive effect of diazinon
on specific immune system of grass carp.
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