Yusoff, Hafzan
Antioxidant, Antiproliferative and Antimicrobialproperties of Leaf Extmcts of Pereskia Grandifolia,Pereskla Bleo and Polygonum Odoratum Lour.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Malaysia is one of the Asian countries which are endowed with highly
diverse biological resources. Indeed, quite high percentage of flora available
in this country is believed to have medicinal and nutritional values, Even
though a few spesies such as "Kacip Fatimah", "Tongkat Ali" and "Misai
Kucing", just to name a few has undergone scientific research, but they are
many more need thorough investigation. Studies on the antioxidant,
antiproliferative and antimicrobial properties of ethanol leaf extracts of
Pereskia bleo, Pereskia grandifolia and Polygonurn odoraturn were undertaken.
DPPH assay was carried out to measure the capacity of the extracts to
scavenge free radicals, whereas the inhibitions of lipid peroxidation by the
extracts were done using p-carotene bleaching method. The phenolics
content was quantified using Folin Ciocalteau reagen-t and the correlation
between total phenolics content and antioxidant activity was tested.
Antiproliferative property of the extracts were assessed using MTT assay on
different cancer cell lines, namely CaOV3, HeLa, HepG2 and MDA-MB231,
while the antimicrobial property of the extracts were screened using disc
diffusion assay. Determination of vitamin A, C, E and mineral contents were
also carried out. From both antioxidant assays, these extract showed high
antioxidant activities which could be attributed to the occwrence of
phenolics. Result obtained from la/f'TT assay showed that the proliferations of
&La and Ca(3Y3 cells were eifestiveiy inhibited by the extracts
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