Nori, Hollena
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization Levels on the Straw Nutritive Quality of Mr 211 and Mr 219 Rice Varieties.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Rice straw has been used as ruminant feed in many Asean countries although it is
regarded as poor quality feed due to its low protein concentration and digestibility. It has
been reported that the nutritive quality of rice straw varies among different varieties and
is affected by environmental condition that determines its growth pattern. In view of the
reports on the environmental effect on straw quality, this study was designed to evaluate
the nutritive quality of rice straw with increasing application of nitrogen fertilizer.
Samples of rice straw from two varieties, MR 21 1 and MR 21 9 which were grown under
five levels of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 120, 160, 200 and 240 kg Nha) were harvested and
analyzed for chemical composition and digestibility. The results showed that the straw
nutritive quality was improved with nitrogen application.
Increases in the level of nitrogen fertilization were found to increase the straw crude
protein significantly. The maximum nitrogen level at 240 kg N/ha was found to produce
crude protein of 8.45%, which is above the level required for ruminant feed. The straw
cell wall (NDF) and fiber (ADF) &tion were found to decrease significantly with
nitrogen application. The organic matter digestibility was slightly lowered with
increasing nitrogen level. The concentration of hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin (ADL),
silica, organic matter, ash and the dry matter digestibility were not affected by the
nitrogen fertilization level. In the agronomic characteristics and yield components, the
level of nitrogen was shown to increase the tiller numbers, stem height, maturity, number
of spikelets per panicle, total spikelets per square meter, grain and straw yield and total
There were significant varietal differences in the concentration of cell wall (NDF),
hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin (ADL) and silica in rice straw, where MR 21 9 had higher
cell wall (NDF), hemicellulose and cellulose concentration where as MR 21 1 had higher
amount of lignin (ADL) and silica in the straw. In the agronomic characteristics, MR 219
had higher number of tillers per plant, total panicles per square meter, total spikelets per
square meter, grain yield, total yield and grain: straw ratio where as MR 21 1 had shorter
stem height, maturity period and higher leaf: stem ratio. Both varieties were shown to
produce straw with improved nutritive quality. In comparison between the two varieties,
MR 219 is superior to MI2 21 1 in view of its higher grain yield and grain: straw ratio.
The grain and straw yield were positively correlated with the straw crude protein and
digestibility and negatively correlated with the cell wall (NDF) and fiber (ADF) fraction.
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