Mokhtar, Muhammad Saleh
Effectiveness of Business Partnerships in Oil Palm Nucleus Estate and Smallholder Scheme in West and Central Kalimantan Provinces, Indonesia.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Nucleus Estate and Smallholders (NES) Scheme is a scheme of business partnership
between estate company as " nucleus" and smallholders as "plasma". The objectives
of this study were: (i) to examine the effectiveness of the business partnership from the
smallholders' and estate companies' point of view, (ii) to identify the social and
economic factors affecting effectiveness of the business partnership, (iii) to identify
strategic factors of the business partnership from estate companies' point of view, (iv)
to measure the perception of stakeholders towards the new estate cropsloil palm
development models, and (v) to identify strategic factors for the implementation of the
new estate crop models.
This study comprises three sub studies. The first was a study on the effectiveness of
business partnership in oil palm NES scheme from smallholders' point of view, based
on 150 smallholder respondents chosen on a purposive multi stage stratified random
sampling. The second was a study on the effectiveness of business partnership in oil
palm NES scheme from estate companies' point of view, based on 50 respondents,
selected using purposive sampling. The third was a study on the perception of
stakeholders on the new estate crops development models based on Ministry of
Agriculture Decree No. 35712002, with 52 total respondents, chosen using purposive
The study found that, in general, effectiveness of the business partnership in oil palm
NES scheme in the study area was adequate, with an achievement rating scale of 692
or 69.2% of the maximum rating scale of 1,000. Effectiveness of the business
partnership from both smallholders' and estate companies' point of views was
adequate, with an achievement rating scale of 663 or 66.3% and 735 or 73.5% of the
maximum rating scale, respectively. Results of the multiple regression analysis
showed that seven of the 13 independent variables affecting effectiveness were found
to be significant. They were: (1) commitment of estate companies (CCOM), (2) role
of the estate companies (CORS) (3) role of smallholders' organizations (OFRS), (4)
farm capital of smallholders (CAPL), (5) price of fertilizers used by smallholders
(PFER), (6) distance of smallholders' home to oil palm plot (DIST), (7) types of
ownership of the NES (OWNS). Results of path analysis showed that six of the seven
variables i.e. DIST, OWNS, CCOM, CORS, OFRS, and PFER had both direct and
indirect effects on effectiveness (EFES). CAPL, however, had only direct effect on
EFES. CAPL, however, had the highest total positive effect on EFES, followed by
OFRS, CCOM, OWNS, CORS, and PFER. While, DIST had a relatively high negative
total effect on EFES. The economic factors that had a significant total effect on the
effectiveness (EFES) were CAPL and PFER, and DIST; and the social factors that had
a significant total effect on EFES were CCOM, CORS, OFRS, and OWNS. The other
variables namely, estate company's cooperative behavior (COBS), smallholders'
income from other sources (NFFI), satisfaction of smallholders (FSAT), smallholders'
family labor participation (LABS), credit availability (CRED), and the government
supports (GOVS) had insignificant total effect on EFES.
Based on results of the SWOT analysis, it can be inferred that most of the internal
strength and weaknesses factors affecting effectiveness of the business partnerships in
oil palm NES Scheme were related to organization, followed by human resource,
. .
.marketing, and operation. On the other hand, most of the external opportunity and
threat factors were related to economics, policy and ecology.
Five strategies were recommended for improving the effectiveness of the business
partnership in a descending order of priority. They are: (i) all parties involved, estate
companies, government, and smallholders, should be very committed in carrying out
their responsibilities and safeguarding their rights as stated in the contract agreement
and the relevant government regulations, (ii) the government and estate companies
should provide empowerment programs for smallholders, farmers' organizations, and
officials at various levels, (iii) estate companies and smallholders should constantly
improve cooperation and place each other as valued partners, (iv) estate companies and
government should ensure constant supply of production inputslfertilizers to
smallholders, and (v) top management of NES scheme should assist in strengthening
capability of site management and their supporting staffs.
- - -
Perception of the stakeholders towards the new oil palm development models was
good, even though to implement them, investors and farmers' cooperatives would face
many problems due to internal weaknesses and external threats. The internal strengths
and weaknesses affecting implementation of the new oil palm development models
were mostly related to human resource, organizations/institutions, and finance. On the
other hand, the external opportunity and threat factors were mostly related to policy,
economics and social and culture.
Five strategies were recommended for accelerating the implementation of the new oil
palm development models. In a descending order of priority, namely: (i) providing
strong and clear regulations and guidelines; (ii) campaigning more to promote and
familiarize the new models to investors, smallholders, and other stakeholders, (iii)
providing empowerment programs for smallholders, and smallholders' organizations,
(iv) reengineering mechanism to reduce unnecessary government bureaucracy in
getting land use right (HGU); and (v) increasing assistance by the government to
financial and risk institutions in providing services to smallholders.
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