H. Shoga'a Aldeen, Abdulmoa'amen
Agroforestry Practices and its Relationship to Farmers' Income in Bura'a Mountain Region, Hodaidah Yemen.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Farmers in Yemen have been practicing traditional agroforestry systems for
a long time. These practices provide the main source of income for the local
people. The study attempted to examine the agroforestry practices in Bura'a
Mountain region of Yemen. The study also examined the relatio~~sh~p
between income of farmers and its determinants.
The study was conducted through a survey of 130 families in 11 villages at
Bura'a Mountain Repon, 118 as agroforestry farmers and 32 as nonagroforestry
farmers, by using simple random sampling technique. The
primary data were collected from personal interviews with the head of
household using a structured questionnaire and some information were
collected from published reports available at the FA0 office at Sana'a,
General Directorate of Forestry and Desertification Control and Ministry of
Agricultural and Irrigation (DGFDC).
The study described the agroforestry practices in the area and types of
agroforestry systems found are agrisilvicultural, agrosilvopastoral and
apiculture. Agrisilvicultural system is common in the highland of Bura'a. The
main components of the systems are the perennial crops like coffee and qat
with multipurpose trees. The agrosilvopastoral system is found in the plain
of Bura'a and the components are the annual crops like sorghum, maze and
millet with multipurpose. The apiculture system is also found but not much
commonly. About 13.5 percent of the farmers have beehives in the study
The average income of agroforestry farmers is estimated 345,495 YR (USD
1919.4) per family per year, while the average income of non-agroforestrv
farmers is estimatedl62,247 YR (USD 901.4) per family per year. The average
income of AF is higher than the average income of NAF farmers.
The results of regression analysis indicate that the income of farmers is
si@cantly related to the land size holding, number of livestock holding
and family size. The results also show that the presence of coffee as a
component of the agroforestry system increases farmers' income. Educatwn
is also found positively related to the income of the farm household.
However, the income is not related to the age of the farmers.
The farmers of the study area in need of financial support to increase their
production. Some policy recommendations are also highlighted in order to
improve agroforestry practices in the region.
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