Hussain, Mohmad Isa
Determination of Capital Structure and Prediction of Corporate Financial Distress.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
This study examines the determinants of capital structure of 182 Malaysian listed
firms utilizing panel data from 1986-2001. To enhance the capital structure model,
this study incorporated macroeconomics variables together with the traditional
financial ratios in determining the capital structure choice. Besides, this study also
employs the dynamic capital structure model, using panel data analysis, to estimate
the parameters of interest and the speed of adjustment of Malaysian listed firms
towards target level of leverage. In fact, this is the pioneer attempts in the
application of the dynamic analysis to capital structure model and utilization of
large data set of Malaysian listed firms. Thus the results would be of great
contribution especially in the context of the emerging market.
Empirical results show the following. First, the results of the static capital structure
model using the pooled OLS estimation and Fixed Effects (FE) models were
analyzed and compared. Of these static models, after correcting for
heteroscedasticity and auto correlation problems, the Generalised Least Square
(GLS) method is the best static model because it has the higher goodness of fit of
90.94% compared to 57.52% (i.e. comparison between the Lev6 of market value
model of GLS estimation and the Lev6 of market value model estimated by
Transformed Regression Model). Second, the dynamic capital structure model was
estimated using a must stronger estimation technique, Generalised Method of
Moments (GMM). Under the GMM estimation, this study deploys a consistent
estimation method as suggested by Anderson and Hsiao (1982) and Arellano and
Bond (1991). For comparison purposes, pooled OLS estimates were also obtained.
After comparing the results, this study concluded that Arellano and Bond's method
is the most appropriate for the dynamic model because the performance of its
estimators results in smaller variances than those associated with Anderson and
Hsiao's approach.
The final dynamic capital structure model reveals that 13 variables were
significantly related with the level of leverage and eight variables were not
significant. In addition to firm-specific characteristics, this study found that
macroeconomics variables are also important factor in determining the financing
decision. These empirical findings support the study hypothesis that
macroeconomics factors were also important and would affect capital structure
choice. The three most significant determinants are, (i) lagged leverage, (ii) nondebt
tax shield, and (iii) money supply. The sign of these relations suggest that
both the pecking order theory and the trade off theory are at work in explaining the
capital structure. The results also show that Malaysian firms adjust toward target
leverage but the speed of adjustment of 0.47 is slower compared to 0.57' for
developed countries such as United States and United Kingdom. Besides, it seems
that the cost of deviating from the target leverage is not generally large enough to
motivate costly external capital market transaction.
It was observed that the capital structure model reported in the literature especially
for Malaysian has only been short-term in nature because they are based on a static
snapshot framework. The empirical evidence of this study clearly indicates that the
findings from such studies were found to be seriously underestimating the impact
of the explanatory variables in the long-term equilibrium. This long-term outlook
and its finding is a new contribution to the issue in the Malaysian context.
In the second part, two corporate financial distress models were constructed for
Malaysian listed firms. Eight independent variables were used for the capital
structure prediction model (CS-prediction model), while nine selected literature
based variables were deployed for literature based prediction model (L-prediction
' This is an average sped of adjustment for United States and United Kingdom.
model) and observed the models' accuracy. The in-sample overall accuracy of the
CS-prediction model is 71.1% and the L-prediction model is 85.2%. The
Nagelkerke R~ of the CS-prediction is 45.50% while L-prediction model is
62.40%, which implies that relatively the literature based predictors of the model
significantly explained the contribution to the financial distress.
Further, the predictive power of both models was tested using the holdout samples.
Comparatively, for the first three years period prior to distress, this study found
that the L-model consistently outperformed the CS-model. In fact, the results of Lmodel
demonstrated excellent Type I accuracy2 of 1 OO%, Type 11 accuracy3 of
90% and overall accuracy of 95.00% one year prior to distress. It was also
observed that the overall accuracy remained high for the second year (94.99%) and
the third year (84.99%).
The estimation results of L-prediction model confirmed all the expectations. The
model indicates that declining profit margin on sales (T1) and operating efficiency
(T9) contributes significantly towards the firm becoming financially distressed,
while the total debt ratio (T6) and current liabilities to total assets ratio (T7) are
shown to have direct contribution to the financial distress. Of these significant
variables, the total debt ratio (T6) and current liabilities to total assets ratio (T7)
were found to be the two most significant factors in determining the outcomes of
* Correctly classify a financially distressed firm as distressed firm.
Correctly classify a healthy firm as healthy.
financial distress with the largest elasticity value of 14.1600 and 10.3480
respectively. In general, these results are consistent with the trade-off theory which
predicts that highly leveraged firm is vulnerable to financial distress. The results
also shed some light on the factors that caused financial distress to many
Malaysian listed companies. Following these results, the study concluded that firm
with less profit margin on sales (TI) and operating efficiency (T9) and high in total
debt ratio (T6) and current liabilities to total assets ratio (T7) would have higher
financial distress prospect in Malaysia. In sum, the L-prediction model is the
preferred corporate financial distress prediction model and is capable of providing
effective early warnings information of financial distress especially three years
period prior to distress.
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