Thuc, Le Vinh
Establishment Of Tissue Culture And Hairy Root Production Systems For Solenostemon Scutellarioides (L.) Codd.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
In vim propagation of S. scutellarioEdes was canied out by culturing shoot tip
explants onto LS, MS and 65 basal medium supplemented with different
concentrations of BAP. Comparative analysis of the different types of basal
media showed that the LS basal medium supplemented with 8.88 pM BAP
was suitable for multiple shoots formation on S. scutellarioides (- 13
shoots/explant). Addition of higher concentrations of BAP (35.5 pM) inhibited
multiple shoots and induced abnormal plantlet formation in this species.
Culturing shoot tip explants on 65 medium supplemented with 4.52 pM BAP
and 2.26 pM 2,4-D produced pink friable callus. On the other hand, culturing
leaf explants on MS and 65 media both supplemented with 4.52 pM 2,4-D
and 0.46 pM 2,4-D, produced yellowish and grayish friable calli, respectively.
Following calli induction, cell suspension culture of S. scu2eIlarirw'des was
successfully initiated on MS medium supplemented with 2.26 pM 2,4-D and
0.47 pM kinetin. The cell suspension required only half the amount of 2,443
required for calli induction on solid medium (MS + 4.52 pM 2,4-D + 0.46 pM
In an effort towards achieving genetically stable plant tissue culture material,
for the future indudion of valuable secondary metabolite, adventitious roots
and hairy roots were induced from S. scufellarioides explants. Quantitative
and qualitative assessments of the biomass producing from each of the
culture method were analyzed.
Adventitious root cultutes in S. sartellarioides leaves were induced by
placing explants onto MS basal medium supplemented with different
concentrations of auxins (NAA, IBA, IAA) and cytokinin (kinetin).
Comparative analysis of the mots enhanced showed that MS medium
supplemented with 5.0 pM IBA produced rapidly growing adventitious roots.
The presence of cytokinin (kinetin) was inhibiting to adventitious root
formation in S. SCUfellarioides. Supplementing MS medium with auxin either
IBA or NAA was enough to induce adventitious root formation.
Hairy roots of S. scutellarioides were induced by inoculation of leaf explants
with A. fiizogenes strains TR 105, LBA 9402,8196 and ATCC 15834. These
strains showed different abilities to induce hairy root formation in the leaf
explants. Assessment of the plant susceptibility to the different A. rhizogenes
strains showed that the strains ATCC 15834, TR 105, LBA 9402, and 81 96
produced 56.3%, 25.5%, 21.5%, and 13.8% transformation efficiencies,
respectively. Acetosyringone was found to be useful for enhancement of
hairy root production in S. s c u t d I 8 ~
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