Muhammad Roseley, Adlin Sabrina
Morphology Of Mechanically Refined And Chemically-Treated Oil Palm Fruit Bunch Fibres.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
The study of surface characterisation of oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibre before
and after physical and chemical treatments was carried out by using light microscopy,
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
techniques. One of the objectives of the study was to evaluate fibre microphological
characteristics of different parts of oil palm empty fruit bunch. This study was also
conducted to examine the effects of chemical pre-treatment and mechanical refining on
the morphological characteristics of EFB fibres and to evaluate the surface
characteristics of chemically modified EFB fibre after being treated with succinic
anhydride. For comparison, samples from fresh fruit bunches were also examined. The
mechanical refining process employs pre-treatment with water and sodium hydroxide
(1%). Chemical modification on EFB fibres with succinic anhydride was carried out for
1,2,3,4,5 and 6 hour each at 80oC, 100oC and 120oC. The objective of this study was to
examine the effects of succinic anhydride modification on the morphology of EFB
fibres, as well as the extent of cell wall bulking.Oil palm EFB differs from wood fibres since it does not posses structures such as
cambium, ray cells, sapwood or heartwood portion. These differences are highlighted in
this study. EFB is formed from structures of vascular bundles which consist of xylem
cells, phloem cells, vessels and fibrous sheath and embedded within soft ground
parenchymatous tissue. The examination on the surface morphology of the fibre vascular
bundle suggested that this material may require pretreatment and chemical modification
to enhance surface quality within a fibre/matrix composite due to its waxy surface
nature. Light and SEM micrographs revealed on the presence of cell inclusions such as
stegmata which marked it’s presence through the globular protrusion on the surface of
fibre. Silica bodies are found abundantly embedded within the stegmata cells which are
detachable upon processing.
This study also clarified on the differences in properties of fibres according to different
parts of a single fruit bunch. The study on the properties of individual fibre from
different section of EFB (core, stalk and spikelets) concluded that fibre properties within
the fruit bunch are not homogenous. The stalk portion of the fruit bunch has short fibre
lengths (μm) and high tendency to collapse. Compare to the core of the fruit bunch, the
fibre length from this part is longer. Being compared to wood fibre properties, the core
of EFB exhibit quiet a comparable properties especially referring to its Runkel ratio,
coefficient of suppleness and felting power.
The results also indicate that mechanical refining significantly changed the morphology
of EFB fibre structure. The untreated and unrefined EFB fibre is still in it’s original
cylindrical shape suggesting the presence of lignin which holds up the cell wall. The Special thanks to the lecturers and staffs of Faculty of Forestry especially to fellow
colleagues: Sapari Mat, Frisco Nobilly, Norzanalia, Mastura, Rasmina, Nurulhuda and
Dr. Manohar for being such a good listener and source of encouragements. Heartfelt
gratitude to her fellow postgraduates, especially to FORGRAD members, and to her
other numerous friends for their inspirations and guidance. Much appreciation also goes
to Hazeline Aasyiqeen, Rohaida, Ann and friends for continuous support and helping
Last but not least, the author wishes her deepest appreciation to her dearest parents and
brother for their encouragement, understanding, love and sacrifices along the completion
of this study.
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