Mutasher, Saad A.
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Aluminium/Fiber-Reinforced Composites.
PhD thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
The purpose of drive shaft is to transmit static and dynamic torques with vibration
stability. Extensive researches have been carried out on the fiber-reinforced
composite drive shaft for the last two decades. Hybrid shafts made of unidirectional
glass fiber or carbon fiber epoxy and steel or aluminum have high fundamental
bending natural frequency as well as high torque transmission capability. The fiber
increases the fundamental bending natural frequency due to its high specific stiffness
and aluminum or steel transmits the required torque.
In the present work experimental tests were carried out to study the bending fatigue
life, static torsion capacity and power transmission capacity of a hybrid aluminum/
composite drive shaft. The composite used are glass and carbon fiber/epoxy. A
tensile test was carried out to find the mechanical properties of composite materials
used throughout this work.
A hybrid shaft was fabricated using a wet filament winding method by winding glass
and carbon fibers onto aluminum tube with different winding angles, numbers of
layers and stacking sequence. A filament winding machine was developed to
fabricate the hybrid aluminum/ composite drive shaft. A special mechanism was
designed and fabricated for carrying out the static torsion test of the hybrid shaft. In
addition, an apparatus was designed and fabricated to investigate the power
transmission capacity of the hybrid shaft. Minor modifications were made for the
rotating bending fatigue machine to perform the bending fatigue test.
Flexural moment fatigue life relationships were obtained and the failure modes of the
hybrid shaft were studied under fully reversed bending load, R = -1. The results show
that the fatigue life for a winding angle of 45o is larger than that for 90o, for both
glass and carbon fibers. The [±45]3 carbon fiber/epoxy laminates enhanced the
fatigue life of aluminum tube up to 54% and the hybrid specimen did not fail till 107
cycles at 14.7 N.m applied bending moment. In the hybridized specimens two carbon
percentage contained 34% and 51% were examined. The results show that the
percentage contained of carbon and glass fibers were significantly affected the
fatigue life of the hybrid shaft at high and low levels of bending load.
The use of matrix inside the aluminum tube increased the fatigue life by 6.5% and
increases the weight of the hybrid specimen by 16%. The results of fatigue test on a
macroscopic level indicate that the cracks initiated in the fiber free zones or in the
outer skin of resin and increased with increasing number of cycles until failure of
specimen. On other hand the micro damage shows that the delamination completely
took place between the composite layer and surface of aluminum tube before the
catastrophic failure of a hybrid specimen. In addition, the aluminum tube failure was
perpendicular to the applied bending load and this phenomenon is the same as that
for the aluminum shaft under bending fatigue test. There is no fiber breakage being
observed from the rotating bending fatigue test.
The torque-angle-of-twist response under static torsion load was obtained and the
failure modes of the hybrid shaft were studied. The results show that the static torque
capacity for a winding angle of 45o is larger than that for 90o, for both glass and
carbon fibers. The maximum static torsion for aluminum tube wound by [+45/-45]3
laminates are 273.2 N.m and 173.5 N.m for carbon and glass fiber respectively. The
percentage difference is approximately 36%.
The aluminum tube yielded first at the central region of the shaft, followed by crack
propagation in the composite part along the fiber direction, which eventually caused
delamination of the composite layers from the aluminum tube. This due to the matrix
crack and finally the fibers broke and the catastrophic failure took place.
For a hybrid shaft wound with fiber configurations of [90/+45/-45/90] and [+45/-
45/90/90], the torque-angle-of-twist response results were similar and this satisfied
the Classical Lamination Theory. In addition, the torque capacity increased by
approximately 12 times for the case of an aluminum tube wound with six layers of
the carbon fiber at winding angle of 45o compared to the aluminum tube alone. From
the power transmission test, it was found out that the difference between the static
torque and dynamic torque is approximately 7%-15%.
The finite element analysis has been used to analyzed the hybrid shaft under static
torsion. ANSYS finite element software was used to perform the numerical analysis
for the hybrid shaft. Full scale hybrid specimen was analyzed. Elasto-plastic
properties were used for aluminum tube and linear elastic for composite materials.
The predicted results gave good agreement with the experimental results, the
percentage differences between the experimental and theoretical results is
approximately 3.5%-25%.
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