Yaakob, Rosnan
Geophysical Studies In Setiu Lagoon-Estuary System.
Masters thesis, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.
The study area is a shallow , bar-built , partially mixed lagoonestuary
system , which undergoes changes in its pat tern of movement
and mixing due to meteorological and river run-off changes. The
Setiu estuary is of primary oceanographic interest since it is one
of the large estuaries of the Terengganu coast into which two major
rivers empty .
A study of the system was conducted in 1985 and 1987 .
Measurement s of the physical parameters were made monthly and during
the anchored-stations period . More than 30 sediment samples were
collected around the sampling stations. Temperature shows a seasonal variation
isothermal at any single point in the system .
and is generally
Salinity variation is
also seasonal and related to periods of high river discharge .
Vertical stratification is present in the estuary but its intensity
varies overtime with river discharge . The stratification is the
result of salinity difference rather than variations in temperature .
Salinity condition varies from near salt wedge to weak
stratification near the estuary ' s inlet . Two major ' water masses '
are identified in the estuary area . Currents in the estuary area are
due to river inf low and tides . The ebb flow is stronger than the
flood due to the geographical and topographical nature of the
system . These also control the circulation in the system. Surface
wind stress also plays a role in setting up the flow pat tern . Most
of the stronger winds occur during the North-east monsoon . This also
influence sea waves and swell . The long-shore current is important
in transporting sediment to the system.
The sediment samples were mostly fine to very fine sands
with mostly negative skewness . The estuary area is under the
influence of transportative and erosive force . The lack of silt and
clay in the estuary is attributable to less depositional factors
under the influence of stronger current as compared to the lagoon
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