Shahbudin, Shakirah
Arbitrage Opportunities in the Klibor Futures Market in Malaysia.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a future date at a price agreed
upon today. The Kuala Lumpur Interbank Offered Rate (“KLIBOR”) futures or known as
FKB3 is the interest rate futures contract available in Malaysia. This study examines the
availability of arbitrage opportunities after accounting for transaction costs for interest
rate futures contract. Fair value of the KLIBOR futures price is calculated using Implied
Forward Rate and is compared to the actual price to determine the arbitrage opportunities
from 1996 to 2003. The pricing of the KLIBOR futures contract is said to be efficient
when the mispricing between fair value and actual value is small, if not zero. When
mispricing is small, the benefit will spill over to the hedgers, whereby they can make a
more effective hedging decision. The findings show that mispricing is small for contracts
near to maturity and it increases as the contracts move further from maturity. This
suggests that arbitrage opportunities are available to be exploited for contracts furthest
from maturity. It also suggests that hedging decision can be made effectively if one trades
in contracts near to maturity. More concerted efforts should be in place to encourage domestic and foreign retailers as well as foreign institutions to trade in KLIBOR futures
contract. To provide liquidity in the interest rate futures market, Market Makers’ Scheme
should be reintroduced. The finding also shows that the difference is narrowing between
the actual price and the fair price of interest rate futures contracts as a function of time to
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