Razman, Muhammad Zahidin
Determination of fertilization rates and mulching to improve growth of RRIM 3001 rubber clone in non-traditional rubber areas.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
The hectarage of rubber has decreased year by year. Thus, future
planting has been pushed to the problem soils which are class III, IV
and V soils. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the growth and
physiological traits of RRIM3001 planted in non-traditional area which
is Gajah Mati and Jabil series, to measure the optimum rate of
fertilizer of RRIM3001 planted in these soils and to evaluate the effect
of mulching practices as soil amelioration in Batang Merbau series on
soil nutrient content and growth of RRIM 3001. In experiment 1, the
study was conducted at Kampung Chin Chin and Kampung Kelubi,
Jasin, Melaka. This study consists of high productive rubber clone,
RRIM3001 also known as "Klon 1 Malaysia" treated with four levels of
fertilizer rates at three months intervals for a period of one year. The
fertilizer rates were divided into four levels, Tl (0 g/tree per year), T2
(480 g/tree per year), T3 (720 g/tree per year) and T4 (960 gl+xee per
year). The fertilizer used in this study is NPK Yellow (15: 15:6:4). The
second experiment was implemented at Ladang Komoditi, Jasin, This
study also consists of RRIM 3001 treated with five levels of fertilizer
rates, Tl (0 g/tree per year), T2 (480 gf txee per year), T3 (720 g/tree
per year), T4 (480 g/tree per year plus mulching) and T5 (720 g/tree
per year plus mulching) by applying the NPK Yellow fertilizer
(15: 15:6:4) at three months intervals for a period of one year. One type
of mulching system had been practiced namely Ecomat, processed oil
palm fibre material (Ecofibre Bhd Malaysia) and the size of ecomat is
1.0 m x 1.0 m x 9mm. The experimental set up was a random
completely block design (RCBD) with three replications. The study
duration was one year period. In experiment 1, the result obtained showed there were significant interactions between depth and fertilizer
treatment in both of type of soil series, Gajah Mati and Jabil series. In
terms of the total plant height and girth increment, there were
significant difference between Gajah Mati and Jabil series where Gajah
Mati showed better performance compared to Jabil series. This is
attributed to the drainage status of the soil which is Gajah Mati is well
drained whereas Jabil is poorly drained. From the result in experiment
2, it showed there were significant interactions between depth and
fertilizer treatment in Batang Merbau series. The fertilizer treatment of
T5 showed the best performance in term of height and girth conditions
compared to the other treatments. As conclusion, the data of growth of
RRIM 3001 planted on Gajah Mati and Jabil series showed that
applying adequate rate of fertilizer is dependent on the type of soil. It
indicates that the current rate of fertilizer that was recommended is
inadequate and hence extra dosage of fertilizer maybe necessary. In
terms of plant girth, it was shown that applying fertilizer up to the rate
of 658 g/tree per year responded to quadratic model with the
maximum of 10.3 cm/year on Gajah Mati compared to Jabil, 715
g/tree per year which gave the maximum girth of 8.4 cm/year. In this
study, it indicates that the recommended rate of fertilizer is inadequate
and hence extra dosage of fertilizer maybe necessary. The effect of
mulching practices give favourable effect on the growth of RRIM 3001
based on girth, soil nutrient and cholorophyll content. This study
shows the deficiency of Potassium (K) in foliar analysis. The new
formulation of fertilizer especially the ratio of Potassium should be
increased on non-traditional area specifically. From this study, it can
be recommended that for non-traditional area especially on Jabil,
Gajah Mati and Batang Merbau series, fertilizer use should contain
higher Kcompared to the NPKYellow (15:15:6:4).
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