Hanapiah, Nurul Fatin Hanani
Seed quality of lablab bean [Lablab Purpureus (L.) Sweet]
influenced by seed maturity and drying methods.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Lablab bean or ‘Kacang sepat’ is a food crop originating from India and
commonly found in tropical area such as Indonesia, Thailand and Philippine
due to its adaptability. However, in Malaysia lablab is grown as a backyard
crop and area cultivation with this crop is still limited. Due to the high protein
content (18-25%) and multipurpose nature of the crop whereby as all parts
can be consumed except the roots, lablab can be one potential commercial
vegetables. Therefore, to increase lablab cultivation, good quality seeds
should be a prerequisite. Harvesting at the ideal development stages
produces high quality seeds. The first part of the study was conducted to
access pod and seed physical characteristics of two types of lablab bean,
dark purple (MDI 12839) and green with purple edge (MDI 12842). Plants
were grown using standard cultural practices. Pods and seeds were collected
at ten different maturity stages (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50
Day after anthesis (DAA). Seed moisture content and seed dry weight was
carried out to know the quality of seeds. The results showed significance
between different maturity stages in all parameter studied. Pods and seeds
showed significant different in size, colour and protein content. Seeds
harvested at 20 DAA (Day after anthesis) showed maximum seed size and
pod. The seeds from both types of lablab had attained physiological maturity
(PM) at 30 DAA with moisture content was 27.3% for lablab dark purple and
23.3% for lablab green with purple edge. Lablab dark purple was not used
in the second study. In this study, both types of drying, sun and oven drying
managed to reduce seed moisture content. Harvested seeds at PM (30 DAA)
and subjected to sun and oven method obtained maximum germination
percentage, 89% and 91% respectively, while fresh seeds only 78%. Result
indicated that the germination percentage of lablab improved, regardless of the using any drying methods. In addition, seed vigour and seedling growth
also showed significant different on interaction between maturity stages and
drying method.
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