Senesie, Swaray
Oil palm genetic origins, pollinator insect and environmental factor effect on fruit set ratio and yield components under tropical peat soil.
Doctoral thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Oil palm industry in Malaysia has been facing a declining trend in fruit set and oil yield.
To determine the major factors causing the decline, a comprehensive study was carried
out by investigating the performance of parental dura (D) and pisifera (P) genetic origins
on their biparental D×P progenies, pollinator insect and environmental factors. The
planting materials used in this study consisted of 24 D×P progenies developed through
biparental breeding design. Genetic origins comprised of six female duras (Deli Serdang,
Tanzania, Angola, Deli Ulu Remis, Deli Johor Labis and Deli Banting) and four male
pisiferas (Cameroon, Algenene-vereniging rubber planters (AVROS), Nigeria and
Yangambi) were hybridized by Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). The research was
conducted at MPOB Research Station, Teluk Intan, Perak. The trial was established in
September 2008 in an independent complete randomized design (ICRD) with a triangular
planting distance of 8.5 meters on 12.06 hectares with 1930 palms. Data collection on
yield and fruit bunch characteristics were carried out as well as inflorescence sex ratio
(ISR), fruit set ratio (FSR), Elaeidobius kamerunicus (EK) population size and climatic
data. Analysis of variance showed that there was greater genetic variability among the
D×P progenies. Progeny ECPHP500 produced the highest fresh fruit bunch (FFB, 184.62
kg palm-1yr-1
). Progenies PK4674 and PK4465 had the highest FSR at 61.12 and 60.93%,
respectively. The highest oil yield (POY) was recorded from progeny PK4674 with 52.66
kg palm-1yr-1
. By using an unweighted pair-group procedure with arithmetic mean
(UPGMA) and principal components analysis (PCA), the 24 progenies were grouped
into seven different clusters. For fruit bunch quality traits, including FSR and POY found
that progeny PK4674 was the most outstanding among other progenies. The ‘S-shape”
technique in determining fruit set showed that PK4674 had the highest FSR (65.78%).
Analysis of variance also exhibited that ISR influenced the decline in FSR among the
progenies and their parental lines. PK4841 recorded with highest male flower production
at 5.85 palm-1 year-1
. The analysis of variance also showed the occurrence of variability
in EK populations and efficiency among the progenies. Also, the present study indicated
a decline in EK population force and efficiency, only three progenies (PK4674, PK4465
and PK4482) were above 60% critical level of FSR. Among the genetic origins, Deli Banting × AVROS recorded the highest population force of EK, but Deli Ulu Remis ×
AVROS had the highest fruit to bunch (FTB) and FSR. Regression analysis indicated
that the relationships of EK population with average bunch weight (ABW), fertile fruit
(FF), FTB, ISR and FSR were found to be moderate, where the EK accounted for 25%
of the variation in ABW, 37% in FF, 31% in FTB, 26% in ISR and 33% in FSR. The
regression results showed that oil to bunch (OTB) was observed to be the highest
contributor to POY followed by mesocarp to fruit (MTF) and FFB. Low EK population
especially male weevils were observed to be the major factor in FSR decline, followed
by wind velocity and field temperature. The findings from this study recommended that
Deli Ulu Remis AVROS, and progeny PK4674 were selected for production of the
superior D×P planting materials with high fruit set ratio and oil yield traits.
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