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Dengue fever in end-stage renal failure patient case report and updated literature review in the diagnostic and management challenges


Lim, Xue Meng and Lim, Christopher Thiam Seong (2019) Dengue fever in end-stage renal failure patient case report and updated literature review in the diagnostic and management challenges. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 27 (6). pp. 310-314. ISSN 1056-9103; ESSN: 1536-9943


Dengue viral infection is common in tropical and subtropical parts of the world and may lead to death. There are an estimated 390 million cases of dengue viral infections reported worldwide each year, putting 2.5 billion individuals at risk of this arthropod-borne viruses. The cornerstone of its management is prompt diagnosis, appropriate monitoring, and careful fluid replacement. This is particularly difficult in end-stage renal failure (ESRF) patients on maintenance dialysis, as there is a complex issue of the ability of making a prompt diagnosis, the presence of coagulopathy, and the risk of fluid overload due to constant evolving fluid dynamic as part of the dengue fever disease process. There is a serious lack of literature report in the area of dengue infection in ESRF patient. We report a case of a man with ESRF with a delayed diagnosis of dengue viral infection, who admitted at the critical phase of the illness. Despite that, he managed to recover uneventfully with tailored management in his fluid replacement, medication adjustment, and dialysis prescription. Hence, a high index of suspicion is needed when an ESRF patient presents with fever in a dengue-endemic area. A multidisciplinary approach with good collaboration between physician and nephrologist is needed to ensure the best outcome. Renal replacement therapy and medications should be individually tailored according to the patient's clinical condition. We hope that our reported clinical case will contribute to the understanding of the complex issue of management of dengue fever in ESRF patients.

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Additional Metadata

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine and Health Science
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Keywords: End-stage renal failure; Hemodialysis; Dengue fever
Depositing User: Ms. Nuraida Ibrahim
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2020 21:02
Last Modified: 14 Oct 2020 21:02
URI: http://psasir.upm.edu.my/id/eprint/81090
Statistic Details: View Download Statistic

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