Sheikh Mohd Ghazali, Sheikh Ahmad Izaddin
Phytochemical Studies of Mesua Corneri (Linn.) and Garcinia Mangostana (Linn.) and Their Biological Activities.
Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Roots of Garcinia mangostana L. and the stem bark of Mesua corneri L. were
chemically investigated. Detail phytochemical studies on the roots of Garcinia
mangostana L. and the stem bark of Mesua corneri L. have resulted in the isolation of
eleven compounds. The structures of these compounds were elucidated using
spectroscopic experiments namely NMR, IR, UV and MS.
The root bark of Garcinia mangostana L. furnished six xanthones, a-mangostin, Pmangostin,
y-mangostin, garcinone-D, mangostanol and gartanin. Up to now, research
has only been carried out on the fruit hull and the stem bark of this plant. There have
been no studies yet on the root bark of Garcinia wangostana L. Meanwhile,
investigations on stem bark of Mesua corneri L gave three triterpenoid, stigmasterol,fridelin, friedelan-1,3-dione and two xanthones, rubraxanthone and Inophyilin B. So far,
there has been no reports at all on this plant.
The crude hexane and chloroform extracts of Mesua corneri L. stem bark were active
against HL-60 cell line with 1Cj0 values of less than 30 pg/ml. The crude hexane and
chloroform extracts of Garcinia mangostana L. root bark were found to be active against
CEM-SS cells line with ICsO values of less than 30 pglml. Meanwhile, the y-mangostin
gave a significant activity with an ICjO value of 4.7 pglml. This is a new activity for this
The antimicrobial assay was carried out towards four pathogenic bacteria, Methicillin
Resistant Staphylococcus awes, Pseudornonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhiinurium and
Bacillus subtilis. Most of the crude extracts tested against these microbes gave only
moderate or weak activities.
The larvicidal tests performed against the larvae of Aedes aegypti. The crude hexane and
chloroform extracts of Garcinia mangostana L. showed a strong activity against the
larvae with LC50 values of less than 100 pglml. The pure compounds a-mangostin and ymangostin
gave good activities with LCso value of 18.4 and 32.4 pglml respectively .The
crude hexane and choloroform extracts of Mesua corneri L. showed a good activities
against the larvae and gave LCSo values of less than 100 pgjrnl. Rubraxanthone showed a
strong activity against the larvae with a LCso value of 18.4 pglml. These activities have
not been reported before and this is a new finding.The antifungal activity testing of the plant extracts were carried out against the fungi
Candida albican, Aspergillus ochraceaus, Sacchoromyces cerevisiae and Candida
lypolytica. No activity was observed for all the crude extracts.
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