Ding, Phebe and Sulaiman, Hairul Azhar
Harvesting maturity and ripening temperature to degreen Harumanis mango.
In: 4th EPSO Conference Plants for Life, 22-26 June 2008, Toulan, France. .
A study was conducted to determine the effect of harvesting maturity and ripening temperature to degreen Harumanis mango (Mangifera indica cv Harumanis). The fruits were harvested at 10,11 and 12 weeks after flower anthesis. The mangoes were divided into four lots with each lot containing six fruits of mangoes. The fruits were packed in 35.5 cm x 29 cm x 15cm of fibre board cartons and induced for ripening using 50 mL/L of ethylene gas. The fruits were than kept in the chamber of 15,20, 25 and 30c temperatures with 75% relatives humidity for 24 h. After 24 h, the fruits were removed from the chamber and allowed to ripen at 25c of 75% relative humidity. The fruits were analyzed for its quality characteristics at day 0,1,3 and 5. The quality characteristics were determined for peel and pulp colour, flesh firmness, soluble solids concentrations (SSC), titratable , acidity (TA), pH, vitamin C, water loss and chlorophyll content. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement. The experiment was repeated three times. All the data was subjected to analysis of variancewhile the mean separation was separated by least significant different. From the study conducted, the chromaticity (C*) and hue (H)of peel,pulp lightness (L*), flesh firmness, TA and SSC were not affected by the different harvesting maturity. The ripening temperatures have a significant effect on the pulp colour (L*,C* and H), flesh firmness, pH and water loss but not affecting the peel colour (L*, C* and H), TA, SSC, vitamin C, and chlorophyll content. The ripening days shown a significant effect on L* values of peel, pulp color (L*,C* and H), flesh firmness,SSC, pH, vitamin c content, water loss and chlorophyll content but did not have a significant effects on C* and h values of peel and yet TA. There was no significant interaction effects between harvesting maturity and ripening temperatures on peel colour (L*, C* and h), pulp colour (L*,C* and H), flesh firmness, TA, SCC, pH, vitamin C content, water loss and chlorophyll content. The interaction between the harvesting maturity and ripening days have a significant effects on H values of pulp colour,flesh firmness, pH and water loss. However, there were no significant effect on peel colour (L*, C* and H), pulp lightness and chromaticity, TA, SCC, vitamin C content, water loss and chlorophyll content. The result indicated that different harvesting maturity and ripening temperatures failed to degreen harumanis mango. The peel colour of Harumanis mango remains green even at the end of ripening day 5.
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