Atengo, Abayneh Esayas
Characteristics, Genesis And Classification of Reddish Soils from Sidamo Region of Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Sesquioxidic reddish soils are one of the major agricultural soils in Ethiopia. They are
intensively cultivated for coffee. Accurate and detailed information on the nature and
properties of these soils is necessary to improve and sustain their agricultural
productivity. To achieve this objective, ten representative pedons developed from
different parent materials of volcanic and metamorphic origin in Sidamo highlands,
Ethiopia, were investigated.
Feldspar and ferromagnesians are the dominant minerals in the basalt, whereas quartz,
feldspar and minor amounts of hornblende phenocrysts embedded in a groundmass of
volcanic ash and glass are dominant in the ignimbrites and rhyolite. Zeolites
(clinoptilolite and mordenite) were discovered in substantial amounts in the ignimbrites.
The soil texture, profile depth and morphology of the soils vary according to parent
material groups. The soil pH values range from 4.2 to 6.8 and due to leaching of bases;
soils developed under udic moisture regime have the lowest pH. The pHNaF values are
generally less than 9.4, indicating that the soils are not allophanic. The cation exchange
capacity (CEC) varies according to parent material groups in the order of ignimbrite >
rhyolite > basalt > gneiss with the value of 4.0 to 39.6 cmolc/kg soil. Exchangeable
cations and available micronutrients content of the surface soils are higher than the
subsurface soils. This is attributed to the cycling of nutrients by the plants. Available
phosphorus (P) is low (< 6 mg P/kg soil) and it is the most limiting nutrient for crop
production in the area, although copper and potassium are marginal. The P sorption
studies indicated that the soils are high P sorbing soils, with the subsurface soils have
higher P sorption capacity than the surface soils. The P sorption characteristics of the
soils have significant positive correlation with clay content and different forms of Fe and
Al, and negative correlation with soil pH. The P requirement of the surface soils varies
from 41 to 142 mg P kg-1 soil.
The sand and silt fractions are dominated by quartz and varied amounts of feldspar. The
clay fractions are dominated by kaolinite and minor amounts of illite. The relative
abundance of illite and feldspar is higher in the soils from younger geological units
(ignimbrites). Iron (Fe) is dominantly in crystalline form, whereas aluminium (Al) is in
amorphous from in the soils. Hematite, maghemite and goethite are the common Fe-oxide
minerals in the clay fractions. The relative abundance of goethite is higher in soils from
higher altitudes (cooler and wetter environments). The Al substitution for Fe in hematite
and goethite varied from 7 to 24 and from 14 to 39 mole % Al, respectively.
The relative proportion and distribution of coarse to fine materials (c/f-ratio) varied
according to parent material groups from open porphyric in basaltic soils to single spaced
porphyric in gneissic soils. Microlaminated clay coatings are abundant in soils derived
from the younger geological units (ignimbrites) compared to basaltic and gneissic soils.
The pedogenetic processes in the soils were mainly related to the weathering of primary
minerals, clay illuviation, bioturbation and translocation of Fe-oxides to saprolitic layers.
Halloysite is mainly restricted in the saprolitic layers, whereas kaolinite is dominant in
the soil solum.
The Chuko and Morocho pedons, derived from Quaternary ignimbrites and characterized
by appreciable clay illuviation in the B horizons are classified as Kandic Paleustalfs (Soil
Survey Staff, 1999) or Profondic Lixisols (WRB, 1998), whereas the Dengora pedon
derived from similar material is classified as Typic Rhodustult or Hyperdystric Acrisol
due to low base saturation. The rest of the soils, due to uniform clay distribution with
depth and presence of horizons of very low CEC (oxic horizon) are classified as Oxisols
(Eutrustox, Eutrudox, Haplustox, Hapludox and Kandiudox) or Ferralsols (Humic
Ferralsol, Rhodic Ferralsol and Hypereutric Ferralsol).
The surface charge of the soils is dominated by permanent negative charge with minor
amounts of variable charge. There is an increase in AEC and a decrease in CEC with soil
depth, indicating higher potential leaching losses of cations. Comparison of the
fingerprint (FP) and the compulsive exchange methods indicated that the FP method can
satisfactorily predict the basic nutrient retention capacity of the soils
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